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Thread: New to discus keeping but not the hobby.

  1. #1
    Registered Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2022

    Default New to discus keeping but not the hobby.

    Hi my name is Andrew Watson and I live in Nova Scotia, Canada and I have been keeping fish for over 30 years. I have kept many kinds of cichlids such as Shellies, oscars, severums and African. This is going to be my first swim around the tank with discus keeping. As I said I am very new to this fish only owning them for 4 days I am welcoming the challenge of raising them. I have a 75g planted tank with flourite as the substrate. I have 5 discus ( all about the size of a silver dollar) in this tank a Blue Diamond, a German Wonder, a Pigeon Blood Silver and two Pigeon Blood Discus. I also have 55g community tetra tank and a 140g severum tank. The main diet I am feeding my discus thus far is frozen beef heart ( what they were use to from the store) and Bug Bites pleco sticks. They love to graze on them. I tried some discus pellets, flake food, and blood worms but they showed little interest and I think the blood worms were just to big for them at this time.
    Outside of the hobby and am a huge sports fan but one that is use to disappointment in this area since I support The Cleveland Gaurdians, Cleveland Browns. and the Carolinas Hurricanes. During our Winter months I spend my time curling, too old to play rugby and soccer any more so I leave that for the younger crowd. During the summer I put my Horticultural degree to use landscaping the surrounding area and my free time is tending my own gardens and of course my tanks. I have a lovely wife who is a nurse, God love her, and have two autistic stepchildren which at times makes this household very challenging. My hope is that keeping discus will be easier lol.
    Well enough about me I would just like the thank you for reading and am very much looking forward to learn from this forum and maybe makes some friends along the way.

  2. #2
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    Default Re: New to discus keeping but not the hobby.

    Nice to meet you, Andrew Welcome to the forum. There is so much info here that will help you have success with your dive into Discus. I suggest that although you are not new to fish, you are to Discus. I suggest taking a good read in the beginners section. Best of luck to you.
    Mama Bear

  3. #3
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Default Re: New to discus keeping but not the hobby.

    Welcome and congrats on the tank. Pictures is what we like!

  4. #4
    Registered Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2022

    Default Re: New to discus keeping but not the hobby.

    Thank you for the welcome, I will try and get some pictures up as soon as possible. I am also going to take the time to review the posts in the beginners section. Sure to learn a great deal there.

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