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Thread: Water hardness

  1. #1
    Registered Member Cjbear087's Avatar
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    Default Water hardness

    Hi, soon I plan on getting a discus tank (90 gal) and I have a question about hardness. My house water runs through a water softener, with the only exception being my downstairs sink, which when I get my 90gal I wont be able to use as it will be too much water to carry up the stairs AND I tested my downstairs sink water (unsoftened) and on my test strip it read GH 180ppm (or more as that was the highest on the test strip) and KH 180. Then I measured the softened water and it came out to a GH of 0 and a KH of 180 again. What would you guys advise me to do? I have heard discus dont do well in quite hard water let alone my water which is off the scale. I would use my water softener water in my bathroom thats in my room but I've heard it isn't great for the fish or the plants. So what would you recommend? Should I get an RO and remineralise or is there something easier I can do? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Homesteader jwcarlson's Avatar
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    Default Re: Water hardness

    I've had my opinion plenty on the other forum. Here's my thread on the subject from a couple of years ago:

    Glad to see you here on SimplyDiscus!

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