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Thread: Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

  1. #31
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

    C'mon you twit! If I have a problem with some one as an adult I find it most effective to address that person, directly and in private. You are a coward and a liar. You havent half a clue of reality. Go ahead now and tell me I dont because I didnt read something that I have no need to read. I know these people. These are decent folks doing a good thing for the Discus world. The area you are talking about is private, kind of like the conversations you might have with your friends if you had any. Obviously you dont or you wouldnt have the time or desire to behave in this manner. How would you feel about your private conversations being made public out of context and without the benefit of explaination? As you can see the members here are not swayed by your B.S. Take it back to wherever it is you come from. I am certain they appreciate it there.

    Al, Ryan and all,

    Thanks so much for all you do here. Many people never would have made it three months in the hobby with out this place. Our Discus home on the web.
    Sorry for fanning the flames here. I know good and well it wont do any good its just that there arent many things in life that make me want to grab a ski mask, my louisville, a few friends and go hunting.


  2. #32
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

    Al, Ryan, and all,

    Sorry to hear you guys and this site have been targeted by such a Loser! :soapbox:
    I'm new to this forum, but I gotta tell ya, this Really Burns me-
    What could possibly prompt this person to take pleasurable things away from people who have never done anything to you?

    Shame on You! (Hacker)

    OK, I've said my piece. Now I'm off this subject and going back to have FUN on this site! (And maybe, just maybe, learn some more about keeping both discus AND friends)

  3. #33

    Default Re:Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

    all righty!!!

    Good job guys, few hours without this forum drove me ;D


  4. #34
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

    How sad and how stupid! Glad you are back up and running. Frank

  5. #35
    Registered Member April's Avatar
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    Default Re:Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

    well.. im happy simply is back..this is my home and i have many people on here i love dearly.. including jack.
    thank you Ryan and Brew for spending all night working on our site. we all owe you both a nights sleep uninterrupted!!
    ok.. tony one post..for today done!! :P

  6. #36
    Registered Member yippy's Avatar
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    Default Re:Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

    OK Last one for me too


  7. #37
    Registered Member Ardan's Avatar
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    Default Re:Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

    Thanks Al and Ryan for all you do and all you put up with!
    Thanks for all the time you put into this for us!

    As to Jack, there is nothing wrong with having concern for a friend! It is a major undertaking for him with a lot of risk and a lot to learn in a short time ( a steep learning curve). Best of luck to Jack! That was the only concern!

    These are decent folks doing a good thing for the Discus world. The area you are talking about is private,...
    How would you feel about your private conversations being made public out of context and without the benefit of explaination?
    Well said, Paul!

    Anyway, I am glad Simply is back

  8. #38

    Default Re:Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

    I couldn't do another day without Simply!!

    But I'm sooo glad we're back up and in number one position. This creep (or creeps) will be caught shortly, without a doubt.

    Al and Ryan: You'll definitely see how many times I've entered the website when I got that error message. I couldn't get over myself when I saw the dialogue box. I knew when it went down because it happened shortly after I posted my last photos of my tank. Whew. Glad I'm out of that ring of fire. I would never think of doing such a daring and awful thing. Get 'em boys and collar them in jail for sabbotaging our forum. **Angie**

  9. #39

    Default Re:Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

    Ryan & Al good work. I hope you find the one who did this.

    On the other hand some things came up that worries me and that was the talking about the things between Jack & me, it seems that there are said some nasty things and everybody says it was not about Jack, that leaves I hate back talking while smilling in my face, if any body has any problem with something, just email me.

    I know I don't need to explane anything but Jack is not in as a partner or something, we only made a deal with him that can be very nice for him as for everybody to get high quality for a cheap price.
    The first who have the guts to say in my face I'm ussing Jack for something I would be happy to meet at the ACA, I can tell you I'm not a fighter, but with that one I'm not going to drink a Heineken.
    For any comments feel free to Email me at:

    I'm happy the forum works again, Hans.

    And Yes Cary I know before you email me I tell you every time:
    "High trees catch a lot of wind"

  10. #40
    Registered Member susankay1's Avatar
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    Default Re:Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

    Sure am glad the site is back up and running. Good job you all. We missed you.

  11. #41

    Default Re:Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

    WOW guys sorry this has to go on!! What a joke i hope you can all find out who this is and expose him for the fool he or she is!! If you need to cross reference any IPs Ryan let me know i would love to help!!!

    Chad ;D ;D ;D

  12. #42
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re:Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

    Hello Hans,
    I said I will not go into this on the board and I will not except to say that nothing was said in that thread about you....Take that however you like. I am thru playing games and not in the mood for more.

    Jack Taylor is welcome to the entire thread..If he wants to share it with you thats his business... If he does you will see there was nothing said about you. In reality there was not much said at all. You have not caused problems for any of us.. You come here...sell your fish and move on.. which is fine.

    If you have heard that there was "nasty" things said,... I suggest you examine the source of your info... Odds are its the person that hacked this site...In which case...I would appreciate your help by giving me that persons ID or Email.. so I can prosecute this person.

    Further concerns can be directed at me by Im or email. You have never had a problem with that before.


  13. #43
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re:Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

    Thank You for the IM Hans.


  14. #44
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

    ;DSorry to hear you guys went through all this! I am glad you are back up and going strong. This is a hobby where we should be coming together and learning and doing better and working together; not against on another.

    Jean ;D 8)

  15. #45
    Registered Member RyanH's Avatar
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    Default Re:Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

    Brew & Ryan:

    I'm not sure what happened to cause this person to hate you so much and frankly I don't really care. What they need to realize is that they're actions have affected alot of innocent people who had nothing to do with this dispute. This seems quite selfish to me and reminds me of an event that occurred a couple of years ago in September if memory serves. Although the consequences were infinitely more severe in that case, the mentality of the perpetrators are exactly the same.

    I hope you nail this SOB to the wall. Post a picture for us when you do.

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