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Thread: Discus not liking angles?

  1. #1
    Registered Member Clay's Avatar
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    Default Discus not liking angles?

    I have 2 discus in my 55g (yes, I will be getting more)

    They picked on my angels that I had in there right away when the angels are bigger than them. Now the angels don't go near them or anything and they just sit and hide behind a rock. I know they're eating because I basically stick the food right in front of their faces. Yeah. Any help?

    And my female ram I had in there was chasing the hell out of my marlboro red, so I took her out. Then put her back in and she continued to do it. Anyway to console that?

  2. #2
    Registered Member cgm246's Avatar
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    Default Re: Discus not liking angles?

    I think it is an adjustment period...They are trying to prove who is the boss. My tanks is and has been full of all of those mentioned, and after a couple of days, they all settled down. IMO
    cgm246-yahoo im

  3. #3
    Registered Member architect1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Discus not liking angles?

    sounds like its a fun time of stress for you. I have heard the take them out idea but never tried it. There chiclids and thats the main thing there agressive. I have rams with discus no prob, discus with angels no prob, but all three wow I donno. good luck I think they will calm down.

  4. #4
    Registered Member Clay's Avatar
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    Default Re: Discus not liking angles?

    What I think I need to do, if buy a few more discus and take the emporor tetras out and maybe the black phantom tetras and the rams. They will probably like it in my 29g more anyways.

  5. #5
    Platinum Member Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Discus not liking angles?

    Rams make very good tankmates for both discus and angels. Rams tend to be best kept in small groups provided that you have enough room for each ram to establish territory. I always keep 4 - 6 rams at a time in 55 gallons. Usually I try to keep a mix of males and females.

    Rams can and will try to give other fish a warning when they come into their territory. I've never actually seen rams (outside of spawning behavior) become aggressive enough toward angels or discus to actually cause any problems. Chasing and nips here and there don't hurt anything as long as the fish have room to retreat and get away.

    I would be sure to quarantine any new fish, discus or otherwise, that you bring home. Nothing is worse than killing off a whole tankful of fish.


  6. #6
    Registered Member Clay's Avatar
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    Default Re: Discus not liking angles?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Smith
    Rams make very good tankmates for both discus and angels. Rams tend to be best kept in small groups provided that you have enough room for each ram to establish territory. I always keep 4 - 6 rams at a time in 55 gallons. Usually I try to keep a mix of males and females.

    Rams can and will try to give other fish a warning when they come into their territory. I've never actually seen rams (outside of spawning behavior) become aggressive enough toward angels or discus to actually cause any problems. Chasing and nips here and there don't hurt anything as long as the fish have room to retreat and get away.

    I would be sure to quarantine any new fish, discus or otherwise, that you bring home. Nothing is worse than killing off a whole tankful of fish.

    Well, the ram in question went out of her way to chase my marlboro red. Like, there was absolutly no reason. But, my discus are starting to come out more. Time to buy 2 or 3 more...

    Do you think I could house 4 Angels and 4/5 discus?

  7. #7
    Registered Member traco's Avatar
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    Default Re: Discus not liking angles?

    I'd go with 2 angels and 5 discus but not sure about your bio load. Others with 55 gallons should be able to help you.

    I have 2 black angels (who are reported to have more of an attitude than other angels) 6 discus, 3 cories and a pleco in my 90 gallon.

    .·´¯`·.. ><((((º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><((((º>

  8. #8
    Registered Member Clay's Avatar
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    Default Re: Discus not liking angles?

    Quote Originally Posted by traco
    I'd go with 2 angels and 5 discus but not sure about your bio load. Others with 55 gallons should be able to help you.

    I have 2 black angels (who are reported to have more of an attitude than other angels) 6 discus, 3 cories and a pleco in my 90 gallon.
    Would I be able to use black phantom tetras as my dither fish for them? I mean, angels are in no way shy or anything but I still want some kind of tetras or something.

  9. #9
    Platinum Member Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Discus not liking angles?

    Just be careful of your stocking density vs. water quality. Five discus and two angelfish would already be a fairly heavily stocked tank once the fish reached adult size. If you are decorating the tank, as opposed to bare bottom, keep in mind the decorations and substrate take up space. That means it's smaller than 55 gallons. You'll need good filtration and adequate water changes and maintenance.


  10. #10
    Registered Member Clay's Avatar
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    Default Re: Discus not liking angles?

    I do 50% water changed every sunday. Would that be enough for water changes? And I think I'm going to get an XPS filter because they are really good and I think adjustable for the flow rate.

  11. #11
    Registered Member discus_fanatic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Discus not liking angles?

    My rams never got along with my discus. I soaked the pellet before feeding, the rams would be guarding it as it drop so I removed the rams.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Discus not liking angles?

    Quote Originally Posted by Clay
    Would I be able to use black phantom tetras as my dither fish for them? I mean, angels are in no way shy or anything but I still want some kind of tetras or something.

    NO!!! Avoid some of the larger tetras! They can get nippy and will tear apart the angelfish!! Especially the phantom tetras, skirt tetras, etc.

    If you want dither fish, harlequin rasboras are safe.

    Regarding the filters, you should go with a filter that is rated larger than your tank, like 2-3 times larger. For example, since you have a 55 gallon tank, get a filter rated for at least 100-150 or more. All filters have adjustable flow rates. But the fish should be fine with some good current. On my 55 gallon tank, I used an Eheim Pro II 2128 that is rated for 160 gallon tank. I had 2 angels that I bought since they were the size of a dime, that are now about 3" and doing fine. I moved them to my 125 gallon tank and also moved the filter to the 125 gallon tank. I also added an XP3 filter to work along side the Eheim Pro II 2128 on the 125 gallon.
    Last edited by crazie.eddie; 06-08-2006 at 12:56 PM.

  13. #13
    Registered Member Kindredspirit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Discus not liking angles?

    Quote Originally Posted by discus_fanatic
    My rams never got along with my discus.

    Really? Gosh mine are both completely indifferent to one another! It is like they are invisible to the other ~

    Thats a shame cuz the two together in my tank are quite lovely~

    Marie ~

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