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Thread: Frozen food vs dried food...

  1. #1
    Registered Member
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    Question Frozen food vs dried food...

    Hello guys... I am pretty sure this question came across your forum. How do you feed your discus? What is your typical feeding week?

    Many of you may know my issues with my new discus tank... well, fishes are doing better at least 5 of them are just fine... eating like crazy, not too shy and active but remaining 3 eat occasionally, still like to hide or sit in one corner.

    First I feed them with frozen bloodworms since they totally ignored any kind of pallets, dried food. Slowly I introduced them to beef hearts and turkey hearts and most of enjoy the meals (not mentioning my crazy tetras ). As far as dry food pallets – nothing gets their attention…

    So here is my question… what is your typical feeding week, how often do you use any kind of frozen food and/or dried pallets? Is it normal the way my discus acts?

    Thanks for your wonderful input… and again, thanks for your help!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Frozen food vs dried food...

    mine get flake at 1st feeding, FBW at 2nd, and Color bits at 3rd. When they were younger I gave a 4th feeding of discus pellets. Abought once a week they get white worms.
    Some of the frozen foods are enhanced but some are not. i would not want to feed all frozen without making sure that they are enhanced with vitamins and other essentials. All IMO; Don T.

  3. #3
    Registered Member Darrell Ward's Avatar
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    Default Re: Frozen food vs dried food...

    I feed frozen in the morning, and again in the evening, with dry food during the day. The number of dry feedings depend on the age and size of the fish in that particular tank. In my experience, healthy discus will generally eat anytime you feed them. I do have a few older fish that refuse to eat dry food no matter how hungry they may be.
    Last edited by Darrell Ward; 05-07-2009 at 03:19 PM. Reason: Spelling. My typing skills are decreasing with age!

  4. #4
    Registered Member Eddie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Frozen food vs dried food...

    Well, I guess my input would not be the norm. I feed my own frozen seafood mix all day long, everyday. I supplement with ON Prime Reef Flake sometimes but not too often anymore.

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  5. #5
    Registered Member TankWatcher's Avatar
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    Default Re: Frozen food vs dried food...

    I feed homemade BH mix as their main daily food. Supplemented with spirulina brine shrimp - these foods are fed daily, as they are the ones that I know ALL my discus will eat. They also have some freeze dried black worms & occasionally some frozen blood worms.

    flakes & pellets are ignored by my wild blues & browns. No matter how hungry, they just turn their nose up at it. The wild greens will eat flakes, but not pellets. Most of my domestics will eat pellets, but not all. For this reason, I do use flakes & pellets, but not too often. It's just easier to grab the food that I know all of them wolf down.

    It also works out cheaper feeding with the homemade bh mix. Even though it's chock-a-block full of the expensive seafood stuff & costs quite a bit on the day you buy all the ingredients, when you work it all out & compare it to what you pay per weight for the dry packaged stuff, homemade puts you way in front.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Frozen food vs dried food...

    There's an old saying "Man can't live on bread alone" I believe the same goes for fish, I feed a quality flake food ,as well as frozen food following the flake, this way I know they are getting well rounded diet. Fish don't live of off flakes in the wild,and I don't think they should have to in aquaria.

  7. #7
    Registered Member Scribbles's Avatar
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    Default Re: Frozen food vs dried food...

    I have juvies so I'm always feeding. LOL. Twice a day each of ON Prime Reef flakes, ON Formula 1 flakes, and ON Discus flakes. Once a day each of frozen BH, frozen Hikari mysis shrimp, frozen Hikari brine shrimp and Tetra Crisps. They usually get an extra meal or 2 of frozen depending on my schedule. For dessert they pig out on my catfish's pellets.

    "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."~ Mahatma Gandhi

  8. #8
    Registered Member MSD's Avatar
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    Default Re: Frozen food vs dried food...

    Quote Originally Posted by basshead View Post
    Well, I guess my input would not be the norm. I feed my own frozen seafood mix all day long, everyday. I supplement with ON Prime Reef Flake sometimes but not too often anymore.

    Since a mix already comprises many different foods, I would think a good one like Eddies supplemented with Hikari FBW's would be about as well rounded as you can get. Feeding without regard to water quality for instance would be counter productive no matter how good the diet is. Eddie changes a lot of water so he can feed the way he wants without the negative effects. Ying and yang, for us and the discus.

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