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Thread: Best online plant suppliers?

  1. #1
    Registered Member
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    Default Best online plant suppliers?

    I'm looking to order a few plants and I was wondering what the best online sellers were. I'd like to get the best quality plants for my money with the most reliable service, thanks!

  2. #2

    Default Re:Best online plant suppliers?

    I have heard that is a good one, as well as Both have good reputations and have been around awhile, and also have good websites.

    Don ;D

  3. #3
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    Default Re:Best online plant suppliers? has been strongly recommended to me!! I've visited their site and they do have a great plant selection and very fair prices. They also seem to have a great reputation. They actually sell deal packages with plant species specifically designed for the planted discus tank!

  4. #4
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    Default Re:Best online plant suppliers? down. Check out Robert's Discus Habitat or Hard to Kill packages. He can also put something together for you if you let him know how big your tank is and what you need. He's very newbie friendly. While you're there check out his discussion board, it's probably the best current board for plants out there.

    Welcome to the Dark Side..enjoy your stay!


  5. #5
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    Default Re:Best online plant suppliers?

    for any australians, is great. plants arrived well an ontime. i called them up to order.


  6. #6
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    Default Re:Best online plant suppliers?

    I can no longer by plants from the only LFS in Dallas that kept a good selection of plants because of the discus they decided to keep in the plant tanks. Tues. I saw some great plants that would look terrific in my new tank but there were multiple sickly and dying discus in the plant tanks.
    Soooooo.. the internet route is the way for me. I'm going to be receiving a shipement from an online store in Phoenix. I'll let ya'll know how it all goes.


  7. #7
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    Default Re:Best online plant suppliers?

    Please post the results of your order. What is the website address, I live in Phoenix and I'm not familiar with a supplier here?

  8. #8
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    Default Re:Best online plant suppliers?

    It's Arizona Gardens. The URL is:

  9. #9
    Registered Member Wahter's Avatar
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    Default Re:Best online plant suppliers?

    I've bought some plants from a few on-line sellers (even one from eBay). I've heard mixed reviews (a few bad, mostly good) on many on-line sellers. I think the criteria most people use are:

    Do the plants arrive in nice shape?
    Good specimens?
    Are the orders processed quickly?
    Any guarantees?
    Decent/ fair price?
    Good selection?
    Any unwanted substitutions?
    Are the plants well packed?
    Will they help you on the phone/ email suggestions?

    One thing some people don't seem to realize is that some plants ship really well (I actually received a narrow leafed java fern from a penpal in Singapore and it's been doing very well), whereas some plants ship very poorly (rotala macrandra may make your mouth water because it's very pretty, but this plant often turns into mush when it's shipped).

    In my opinion, the best source is from other people who already have plants - you get them grown in aquarium conditions (not emersed like many farms), and you can see what conditions they plants are kept in (lights, fertilizers, etc..).

    If you're in the Dallas, Texas area, have you checked with the people in this club?

    Just some suggestions. Hope this helps.


  10. #10
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    Default Re:Best online plant suppliers?

    I was actually thinking about organizing some kind of plant supplier evaluation here but after all the problems and arguments about fish suppliers, I'm a little hesitant. It is probably best to keep things on a positive note, like this thread where people recommend online suppliers that they have been happy with.
    But I agree with you Walter, I much prefer to get plants locally. I had the same problem with previous shipments, all the stem plants turned to mush, some during shipping and others within days of arrival. Luckily I have two or three LFSs that have good selections. Fish clubs are another source along with trading with friends.

  11. #11
    Registered Member Wahter's Avatar
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    Default Re:Best online plant suppliers?


    I think last year ,"Practical Fishkeeping" magazine in the UK did a review of ordering from 4 or 5 mail order plant shops. I've never seen anyone do one in the US, but considering what's happened from one seller (see the links below), I don't think any magazine will be in a hurry to do a review:

    I think fish club auctions are also good - you can actually get some suggestions/ information on what conditions the plants were kept at, and the plants are usually pretty fresh (I bag mine the night before). Good info before you decide to bid a lot of money on lots of pretty rotala macrandra for your 50 gallon aquarium with only 30 watts of light. ;D

    Sometimes you get some real bargains at the auctions too - I'm always shocked how low some of the plants I've submitted sell for; I've sold some giant sword plants that were 24" tall and could easily fill up a 20 gallon tall tank and the winning bid was $13.00 on each of them! Yet a few minutes later, someone will bid $12.00 on a bag of four vallisneria - plants that sell for $1.00 at the local stores!

    Hope this helps.


  12. #12
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    Default Re:Best online plant suppliers?

    I'm from the Dallas area myself. I bet you are talking about the LFS that just moved into it's new building,right? I ordered online myself. I just received a shipment from It was my first online purchase of plants, so I can't compare with others. I am hoping to make orders to various other online plant suppliers to compare.

    Here is my synopsis of my order.
    Do the plants arrive in nice shape?
    Good specimens?
    Are the orders processed quickly?
    Any guarantees?
    Decent/ fair price?
    I thought so
    Good selection?
    Odered the "Package" Deal. Nice variety
    Any unwanted substitutions?
    No. They even replaced a plant in the package I was not fond of
    Are the plants well packed?
    They all survived, so I guess the packing was good
    Will they help you on the phone/ email suggestions?
    Yep, I always call whenever I order. If you can't talk to anyone to make a purchase. You probably won't get anyone to help you if there is a problem.

  13. #13
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    Default Re:Best online plant suppliers?

    Yes, you are correct about which LFS. In the past they have had good plants, right now nothing and the fewthey have have those really sickly looking Discus in with them. Bad bugs just waiting to be imported in the plants!!

    Which Discus strains are you keeping? Where did you get them?


  14. #14
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    Default Re:Best online plant suppliers?

    I used AZGarden for my Amazon Swords and they are nice plants except they came packed with snail eggs and they have been a pain in the neck to get rid of. If you don't want snails look somewhere else or treat the plants before putting them in your tank.

  15. #15

    Default Re:Best online plant suppliers?

    i can also help you out with specific packages, large orders always discounted

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