Golden State Discus

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Thread: My discus putting eggs down as we speak

  1. #1
    Registered Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default My discus putting eggs down as we speak

    Hi folks I am brand new here and from ontario canada. I have a mated pair of discus I bought about 2 weeks ago and have them in a 25 gallon tank. The water is Tap with a p.h of 7.2 Im not sure what the hardness is yet. Anyway I guess ill let nature take its course ,I have been breeding angels and selling to the local pet store since last june. I am a previous discus owner and raised 6 of them from jevenile to adult and they started putting eggs down in the 90 community tank they were in. I never did try to spawn them to raise fry back then. Any advise would be very welcome and appreciated.


  2. #2
    Registered Member
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    Jan 2003

    Default Re:My discus putting eggs down as we speak

    They have put down a nice patch of eggs about the same size that my angels do.

    I treated the water with maroxy the temp is 87 deg.

    Im tempted to leave them and not use a mesh to see what happens but should I decide to use a mesh what do I use?


  3. #3
    Registered Member
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    Jun 2002

    Default Re:My discus putting eggs down as we speak

    my discus spawned about 9hours ago too good luck

  4. #4

    Default Re:My discus putting eggs down as we speak

    Hi there and welcome back to discus. You say tap water and temp of 87. I doubt they will be any good under those conditions depending on the hardness of your water. I would shoot for a temp of around 80 to 82 for spawning as higher temps tend to kill the sperm. This is what works for me water temp 80, PH 6.4, Conductivity of around 80. Good luck Jim & Diane

  5. #5
    Registered Member
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    Jan 2003

    Default Re:My discus putting eggs down as we speak

    Thanks for the input, I have 3 water change containers one 40 gallon plastic drum and two others rubber maid about 25 gallon , one of the 25 gallon will be in the basement collecting ro water as I just bought a ro unit yesterday. I age all my water 24hours with air stone and heaters along with an alovera fritzy kinda solution that removes chlorine and chlorimine. I already change 40 - 50 gallons a day to fit the scenerio. I have a 100 with six ocean green juveniles in it as well so I had discus tanks 86 degrees and angel tanks 84 degrees water change water 86 degrees so now Ill have to rethink things.

    total tanks I am running 1-100 with 6 juvenile discus /community......1-90 gallon pair of angel fish/community..... 1 - 30 gallon pair of angels/community. 6 grow out tanks 25 gallon for baby angels although one of them right now is housing the new pair of discus. 2 5 1/2 gallon tanks rotating eggs and freeswimmers up to a week old.

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