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Thread: CBW VS amano shrimp?

  1. #1
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    Default CBW VS amano shrimp?

    Last time I bought Blackworms from my LFS and they start to eat like crayz, I never see that reaction when I feed them frozen beefheart or Frozen BLood worms well except for brine shrimp. It seems they like every little thing that moves, the first time I got my discus in my planted tank, they didn't eat for a whole week due to stress of shipment, but one day a amano shrimp passing by their teritory and my discus have a go at it, and I was like what the h***! that amano is 4.00 for each of them and I already lost I think 2 of them! oh well what I can do! as long as they give positve signs, gee I guess that's the most expensive live food I've ever feed them lol

    I usually feed my discus live food only on weekend, I always buy a lot live foods on friday and feed them the whole weekend but on weekdays I feed them Only frozen beefheart or frozen bloodworms, they never really like it, they probably think what's that is that food?

    if I can Compare their food to our(human) food,
    1. CBW= MC. Donald ( I don't why, but every kid always love Mc. Donald, even me, I love their Pancakes ^_^' though)
    2. Brine shrimp=tiny weeny shrimp (Scampi, popcorn, & fried)
    3.amano shrimp=Lobster

    oh yea is there any difference in Hikari frozen blood worms and san francisco bay brand frozen food? cause my LFS sell sanfrancisco bay brands frozen foods
    oh yea is there any difference in CBW and Blackworms?

  2. #2
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    Default Re:CBW VS amano shrimp?


    I would chagne your water often and in large quantities if your ammonia is high. Just do a 50% or more water change every day if your ammonia is at high levels. I am surprised that they will eat at all if they are that stressed (to the point where you are losing fish! ).

    CBW = MCdonalds, not sure about that... it is high protein and I can't see that McDonalds is a very high protein diet, more like 90% fat... I don't like Mckers at all actually... I prefer a good curry any day of the week!

    I feed CBW and tetra bits only and my fish are doing very well... I will move onto something different when I get a change but for now they are doing fantastically.


  3. #3
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    Default Re:CBW VS amano shrimp?

    Chong, I didn't lose any fish, the pair discus that I bought from Discman at aquabid, was a little frightened cause they transfered from their home sweet home, and now they are one happy Family in my 15 gallon BBT, I'm trying to breed them, since I was amazed that they still can produce wrigglers on my hardwater (around 6-9 dGH) my planted tank is already cycled, well probably not completely cycled w/ good bacteria since the ammonia is mostly used by the plants.

    about Mc. Donalds, probably they don't have healthy & nutritious compound, but still parents get their kids Mc. Donalds for breakfast (when they go to school) or lunch or even for dinner!yet the kids LOVE IT! (well what can I say, Tasty food not always be Healthy or good for you and Healthy food is not always Tasty!) cause they don't have time anymore to deal w/ healthy and nutritious home made food especially working parents(read: usually Mom), or working w/discus parents, lol, no offense, I know you guys, Member of simplydiscus forum, spend your time to get your kids healthy foods too, Well I might say, if you got healthy discus, you must have healthy kids .
    Now the reason is why I always feed them live food on weekend because Live food doesn't foul the water as fast as other foods(frozens, flakes, etc) since they eagerly eat those live foods and doesn't let the food go bad, so it saves me much time, on weekend I won't be much around the base to watch them or check them if they eat their food, I just need to relax and hang out w/ my friends. So my points is Time is Money or pleasure Perhaps lol

  4. #4
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    Default Re:CBW VS amano shrimp?

    Hey Gnome,

    Sorry for the mis understanding about you losing fish... phew! : glad all is ok!

    McDonalds and CBW... I dunno i am still not sure about CBW not being good for them... I would tend to think that they are one of the best foods that I can feed them. Only time will tell. It's only been one month with CBW for me and My fish are the best that I have ever seen them yet in 12 months... :-\


  5. #5
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    Default Re:CBW VS amano shrimp?

    [quote author=Chong_Ly link=board=3;threadid=6938;start=0#74706 date=1044920357]
    Hey Gnome,

    Sorry for the mis understanding about you losing fish... phew! : glad all is ok!

    McDonalds and CBW... I dunno i am still not sure about CBW not being good for them... I would tend to think that they are one of the best foods that I can feed them. Only time will tell. It's only been one month with CBW for me and My fish are the best that I have ever seen them yet in 12 months... :-\


    Thanks, my fishes is doin' fine for about 6 months or so and the pair discus is already 2 months in their new home.
    Chong I don't say that CBW is not healthy as Mc. Donalds, what I'm sayin' is that CBW is practical and save much time w/ WC since all other food (frozen, flake, etc) is fouling the water so fast if it is left uneaten, there goes same like Mc. Donalds save my time not to cook when Finals week lol

  6. #6
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    Default Re:CBW VS amano shrimp?

    Oh i see, agree with you there! they live for days maybe weeks in the tank without fouling up the water!


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