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Thread: Where do you buy your drugs.....

  1. #1
    Registered Member henryD's Avatar
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    Boston, Mass

    Default Where do you buy your drugs.....

    I was curious where everyone got their drugs from.

    I mean beside the street corner or your local drugee....

    I was putting together a turkey heart formula.....and I heard someone say that you can use algin instead of gelatin to bind the food together.

    The benefits are that algin is a form of kelp which will have added nutrients on top of the fact that it did not need to be heated....

    I been looking around but have not had any luck locating any....

    If you are using something else that is just as good let me know and where to buy would be great...

  2. #2
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re:Where do you buy your drugs.....

    My friend Francisco just introduced me to this site...

    they sell a binder that works real well. I had also been given some beef heart mix from Francisco that used this Gel...I believe and it works very well.

    This is His quote on the binder...
    I found a product that is far superior: It is sold by Aquarium ecosystems ( and it is called something like gel-food. It is a coarse powder like gelatin that acts as binder but produces a better paste. It is very rich in protein, and in other goodies (minerals in particular). If anybody is interested, I have the breakdown of its composition, just not with me right now. It holds powders (such as vitamins or spirulina) very well. It seems to have good flavor, because the fish go for it very well. It is not expensive. Finally, gelatin "melts" very quickly on contact with the tank's temperature, whereas this gel is more stable. All in all, I like a lot better than gelatin, which is of course almost completely devoid of nutritional value.

  3. #3
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Where do you buy your drugs.....

    Al just wait until you get their catalog. It's pretty impressive.

  4. #4
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re:Where do you buy your drugs.....

    Just what I need George... More temptations!


  5. #5
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Where do you buy your drugs.....

    This doesn't help you guys BUT, I'm the business manager for a veterinary hospital. One part of my job is dealing with all the vendors to order in all the drugs/products for the hospital. I have access to EVERYTHING. AND, I only have to pay COST for it ;D

    It's my way of getting even with all you guys that have PERFECT discus water right out of your tap. I hate you guys ;D


  6. #6
    Registered Member
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    Feb 2003

    Default Re:Where do you buy your drugs.....

    Well the other day I went for my yearly fisical and asked my doctor about metrodiazone .
    He gave me a prescription for 25x 250mg
    cost 9.00 versus 10..00 for 8 heximit

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