Golden State Discus

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Thread: can i get away with overstocking?

  1. #1

    Default can i get away with overstocking?

    Ok so my original plan was to have a 125 g tank use as my pairing tank and my private tank and have my other 125 as a display tank. But Kenny's discus work their magic on my Better half and now She wants more discus than I have!

    Here's the problem: she wants 20 THAS RIGHT TWENTY! discus in our display tank. Good news? She's fine with bare bottom. I told here that That's simply just too many! Her reply? "Add more filters" -face palm- I told her in the nicest way possible That overfiltering wont help.

    Her reply? "Do more Watt change. 2x a day. That's what you bought those aqueons hoses for isn't?"

    My reply: OK I don't have one =p looks like she won the argument. But my concern still stands. That's too many in a 125. But since I can't argue with her water change argument, I must ask you guys, Is this stocking possible with 2 water change a day at 7-85%?

    If not please give me a solid argument against her. (You know wives they're always right) lol

  2. #2
    Registered Member jimg's Avatar
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    westchester county,ny

    Default Re: can i get away with overstocking?

    Imo you will be fine. it all depends on your water and feeding. you may be fine with 1 wc every few days. know your water first kh,gh etc

  3. #3
    Registered Member
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    Aug 2010

    Default Re: can i get away with overstocking?

    more tanks better.

  4. #4
    Administrator and MVP Dec.2015 Second Hand Pat's Avatar
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    Default Re: can i get away with overstocking?

    You guys have this all wrong. Instead of a 125 it is time for a 200+ replacement tank Instead of walking the edge with the health of your discus due to tight quarters best to update to a bigger tank for better leeway when life happens and couldn't quite get to the WC today. You choose on presentation to the spouse.
    Your discus are talking to you....are you listening

  5. #5

    Default Re: can i get away with overstocking?

    Lol pat I literally remember the 10g per fish rule and mention it to her and ask if she would want a 200g+ more like 300g since shell end up wanting more.

    Her response word for word: "we just got the d%&$ 125 just throw a 75g sump under it if you really have to follow the f*&$ing rule. I'm getting those fish!"

    I think she just beat me in my own hobby Good news for Kenny I suppose.... lol bad news for my wallet. I'm still concerned whether there's room for the fish to swim

  6. #6
    Registered Member jimg's Avatar
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    westchester county,ny

    Default Re: can i get away with overstocking?

    Keep in mind too, some strains stay small, others get like dinner plates!

  7. #7

    Default Re: can i get away with overstocking?

    I did not know that! Thought they were all plate size lol. Guess I have to ask Kenny which of his strains stays a bit smaller

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