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Thread: Do anyone feed live fish to your Discus?

  1. #1
    Registered Member
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    Default Do anyone feed live fish to your Discus?

    I'm asking çause I bought 7 neons last weekend and there only three left. I'm not complaining, I knew that could happen.
    Now, Do anybody buy small fishes for the Discus to eat?

    Just a thought, I think it will be better than fozen foods and an choise for people that can't get CBW.


  2. #2
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Do anyone feed live fish to your Discus?

    Kinda expensive huh ;D ;D

  3. #3
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Do anyone feed live fish to your Discus?

    and dangerious. feeder fish often carry parasites. unless you want to breed feeder fish yourself e.g. guppies, i would not do it.


  4. #4
    Registered Member Jason's Avatar
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    Default Re:Do anyone feed live fish to your Discus?

    I used to keep a pair of geophagus brasiliensis and a pair of geophagus surinamsis.

    of course after awile I could'nt give the fry away if I tried, soo, they'd spawn I'd siphon out the free swimmers and feed my discus.

    Did they eat them? yep loved them, did they grow any better over any of the other foods I was using nope.

    so I guess if you have good clean fry to feed your discus from your own fishroom you could, but I would'nt bother unless you have ton's you'd just be dumping anyway.

    get a couple boxes of red wrigglers going, way better IMO

  5. #5
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    Default Re:Do anyone feed live fish to your Discus?

    Feading guppy fry! :'( :'( :'( I coulnd't bear it! I would be too attached to the fry! hehe

    *old softy*


  6. #6
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Do anyone feed live fish to your Discus?

    When I was in Siagon I saw a breeder who fed all his adults baby snakeheads! He got them from the local river, Fattest discus I have ever seen. Ken

  7. #7
    Registered Member yippy's Avatar
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    Default Re:Do anyone feed live fish to your Discus?

    I fed mine live fish once. But by accident!!!!!! I had 15 neons in with my discus and my biggest discus ate about 9 of them before i realised what was happening. I caught him in the act one day, the naughty boy. i have since moved the other neons into another tank. I was told by a fish biologist that neons are one of their natural prey in the wild - but i dont know if thats true or not. I still have five BLACK neons in the the big tank and he doesnt go near them! I was telling a girl in one of the fish shops about my pidgeon blood eating the neons and she said she had the same problem but it was the only her pidgeon blood that ate the neons. Weird! But my pidgeon is the biggest so maybe thats a coincidence.

  8. #8
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Do anyone feed live fish to your Discus?

    Yippy, You know what? My discus is a pigeon too and is the only one in my tank.
    I too was concerned about the possibility of parasites. That's why I asked the question.

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