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Thread: Juvie running about real fast in circle running into glass?

  1. #16
    Registered Member
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    Default Re: Juvie running about real fast in circle running into glass?

    Sorry didn't mean to be so snarky. Just have spent so much time and money that I don't have. Lost my job and not sure how soon I can buy another bottle of prime. lol

  2. #17
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    Default Re: Juvie running about real fast in circle running into glass?

    hi, welcome to the forum....

    what are you using to test your water? strips or liquid test kit? ammonia is very hi coming straight from the tap....if this is truley the case you are going to have problems keeping all fish as ammonia is VERY toxic to fish.

  3. #18

    Default Re: Juvie running about real fast in circle running into glass?

    Would you mind doing the questionnaire? There is a world of experience here to help you. One option is ordering a bottle of safe for about the price of a bottle of prime. The safe will last around ten times longer. It is the powder form of prime.

    Like Lilly said, if you have bad tap water, that is an issue to resolve before anything else. Ideally ammonia should be zero from the tap. Its like changing water with waste water. Members often call their water supplier when they find readings like this and sometimes get it resolved at the source. Another option is filtering the water before it goes into the tank to remove the ammonia. There are various products on the market to remove/neutralize ammonia, but I've not used many of them. Prime only neutralizes ammonia for 24 hours. You have to keep dosing or ammonia starts rising. Some filter media actually removes it from the water.

    Some of these products might be better than others. You might ask specifically for input on this. You can likely buy in bulk on ebay or other sources. My suggestion would be to set up a staging container for your water and filter it with something like the above media to remove the ammonia before it goes in your tank. Im sure there are other options, maybe some better.

    The best scenario would be your water company fixing the problem for you. Best of luck.

    Quote Originally Posted by thomasasalvatore View Post
    Sorry didn't mean to be so snarky. Just have spent so much time and money that I don't have. Lost my job and not sure how soon I can buy another bottle of prime. lol

  4. #19
    Registered Member nc0gnet0's Avatar
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    Default Re: Juvie running about real fast in circle running into glass?

    Like Lilly said, if you have bad tap water, that is an issue to resolve before anything else. Ideally ammonia should be zero from the tap. Its like changing water with waste water. Members often call their water supplier when they find readings like this and sometimes get it resolved at the source. Another option is filtering the water before it goes into the tank to remove the ammonia.
    Municipal tap water that tests positive for ammonia is usually a good sign that the municipality is using chloramine.

    The CRWD lowers water pH by
    adding carbon dioxide and adds
    chlorine to disinfect the water. The
    chlorine helps ensure our water’s
    microbiological safety by killing
    disease-causing organisms. The
    CRWD also adds a trace amount
    of ammonia to form chloramine to
    help the disinfection process

    You can call them all you want, I am sure they will get a good chuckle out of things..........(ammonia in the tap that is).

    You just need to make sure that you de-chlorinate your change water with a product that can handle chloramine, such as prime or safe. Ageing your water would not be a bad bet either.

    It sounds as though your aquaclears may have been overloading with gunk/poo/uneaten food/ etc. This can and does happen without regular maintenance. It's good practice to give the sponge a good squeeze and rinse in tank water (not in the tank though) on a periodic basis.
    Last edited by nc0gnet0; 01-01-2015 at 01:50 PM.
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  5. #20
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    Default Re: Juvie running about real fast in circle running into glass?

    Lily I have api master kit.

  6. #21
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    Default Re: Juvie running about real fast in circle running into glass?

    Ncogneto I do squeeze the sponges on a regular basis in wc water they usually don't show to much dirt which is great.

  7. #22
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    Default Re: Juvie running about real fast in circle running into glass?

    Quote Originally Posted by thomasasalvatore View Post
    Lily I have api master kit. my advice would be to dose with lasts 48 hours...should be doing water changes at least every other this should help...remember to dose to the tank size as per the label.
    are you on well or city water?

  8. #23

    Default Re: Juvie running about real fast in circle running into glass?

    The ammonia youre seeing if you have city water is just from the chloramine they use to kill bacteria and stuff.. But the nitrites in your tank lead me to believe your tank cant handle the BIO load currently and its still cyling..

    I suggest you cut back feedings to 1 time a day or 1 time every 2 days until the ammonia and nitrite get to 0 and keep that feeding schedual for a few weeks so you can build up more BB.. What kind of filter are you using ?

    Prime is good stuff.. but honestly.. I don't think it detoxifies nitrites like it claims... I once had 1-2ppm nitrites in my discus tank (don't ask why lol) and even putting 6 capfuls in.. It did nothing.. they still were gasping at the surface of the water (nitrite poisoning) and when I did a 70% water change they stopped.. I have seen this before in other tanks when I had nitrites.. So I think Seachems claim of destoxifying nitrites/nitrates is bogus.

    Seachem makes good stuff... some of it.. but they tend to lie and stretch the truth on a lot of their products.. Like there CO2 booster.. they claim has a special chemical in it that isn't Glutaldehyde but when it was tested from an independent lab it was 1.5% of it.. The same EXACT stuff as API's CO2 booster.. Seachems Matrix.. they claim isn't pumice .. when it fact a person who worked for seachem spilled the beans and said it is a chemically treated pumice.. Something you can buy in bulk for a lot cheaper then they mark it for.. They also Lie about there Paraguard medicine.. saying its a special miraculus blend of this and that... when in fact all it is , is Glutaldehyde (their co2 and Malachite in a bottle )

    Seachem themselves even stated that Prime they never tested as a Nitrite and Nitrate detoxifier.. They only heard about it by people claiming it helped with their nitrites.. so they started to lable their product as doing so
    Last edited by candymancan; 01-01-2015 at 07:18 PM.

  9. #24
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re: Juvie running about real fast in circle running into glass?

    I moved this to the emergency room were it will get the best help

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