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Thread: Florida Governor Ron Desantis Just banned me from Driving in Florida

  1. #16
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    Default Re: Florida Governor Ron Desantis Just banned me from Driving in Florida

    Quote Originally Posted by brewmaster15 View Post
    This blog is my personal space .. I charge no one a thing to use the forum.. if I want to rant on a topic..I think I am allowed. You really dont have to read my blog...theres plenty of fish threads. I see no problem with this thread. Im not the one the passed the law but I am directly affected by it. .. would you prefer I not say that I can not drive in Florida now because someone with presidential aspirations is targeting my state for publicity? Apologies.. not happening.

    Do you have a real ID yet Jay?
    Yes I do have a real ID. Easy to get, when you renew your license just bring your passport,or birth cert. or proof of residence.

  2. #17
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    Default Re: Florida Governor Ron Desantis Just banned me from Driving in Florida

    Quote Originally Posted by brady View Post
    Yes I do have a real ID. Easy to get, when you renew your license just bring your passport,or birth cert. or proof of residence.
    Jay, I'm Happy for you. You can now drive in Florida.Lucky you. I can only drive in the whole rest of the USA, but the sovereign country of Florida. I guess I'm a little old fashioned. I tend to do what I have to...and no American has to get a real id. Being compliant to something that is not a law is truly the slippery slope. Everyone is free to be as compliant as they want... or not to the Real ID.

    INCIDENTALLY, its a " Real ID" not a "Real Drivers License" it has nothing to do with driving... Which is my reason for the rant.. It is literally also completely not needed as I mentioned already when you have a passport...which I do

    Theres an agreement among states in this union that ensures we all can travel across states and are treated as visiting friends not strangers and enemies. Desantis treatment of the people in these other states like me goes against the spirit of that in a very serious way.

    I leave you with a quote from the lesser almighty in the sunshine Country...(please remember there is no law that you need to get a real ID.. so much for rule of law)
    Florida will stand for the rule of law. Even if the federal government refuses, Florida will act decisively to protect our citizens, our state, and our country,"
    sleep well America.. Ron DeSantis is on the Job. protecting us from drivers licenses everywhere that dont have a star on them.
    Last edited by brewmaster15; 07-10-2023 at 09:13 PM.
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  3. #18
    Registered Member bluelagoon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Florida Governor Ron Desantis Just banned me from Driving in Florida

    Remember the people voted him in so it's not only Ron Santis is extreme right in Florida. Modern women and gay folks are taking a hit too in some of those states. Then that's another rant.

  4. #19
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    Default Re: Florida Governor Ron Desantis Just banned me from Driving in Florida

    Yep people voted him in so I guess they’re looking for change? Thing is politics is full of crackpots! Both sides and every side! Last thing any politician cares about is us! Fact even with all the bs going on we still lead the best lives in the world! Do you think not getting the government id makes a difference? Or having it makes a difference? Fact is some group will now sue Florida about this. Who’s paying for the law suit? Middle class America! Yeah Lawyers and politicians will be making more money. Me yep I got the gov driver license. Do I think they care about me or what I’m doing? Nope! I must be crazy anyway I keep discus . Red and blue ones!!

  5. #20
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    Fact even with all the bs going on we still lead the best lives in the world!
    yes we do and at great sacrifices by many that believed it was important not to be complacent . History is full of examples of what happens when you give too much power to your politicians.

    The facts of my rant stand as such. The Real ID was never meant to be used as an immigration tool.Nor was it meant to restrict driving. It was meant to protect Federal property from terrorists .. it was specifically meant as an ID to board domestic airplanes and federal buildings . PERIOD. The federal government knew there were constitutional hurdles to making a mandatory federal identification so they didnt. They just implied it was something you needed. This is all documented information.

    Fact.. The real ID legislation was passed 16 years ago... and still isnt enforceable. ..wont be until 2025 and even then. A passport is just as good.
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  6. #21
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  7. #22
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Florida Governor Ron Desantis Just banned me from Driving in Florida

    Funny when I got my Id it was being pushed as a replacement for a passport. Try leaving on a plane or entering this country with just your drivers license. Al I don’t consider this a rant. Hey it’s something that bothers you. I get it. What I don’t get is the why. Nobody in this government really gives a damn about us. With or without this id makes no difference! You’re reading it right here! Look people in Florida don’t even have these id’s. This is a politician looking for votes from the majority of there people. People who are upset with all the illegal immigrants being pushed into their State. That’s it! The whole id thing is just for media! Which equals votes! You really think there’s cops driving around asking to see people’s license’s! Come on there Laws against that

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    Default Re: Florida Governor Ron Desantis Just banned me from Driving in Florida

    Quote Originally Posted by brewmaster15 View Post
    I try very hard to not get Political on the Forum and even now I am really biting my tongue...but sometimes you just have to say something.

    Thats me. My Driver's License states " Not for Federal Identification. " I am here by no longer welcome to drive in the State of Florida because some royal @#$%^&*() Governor decides I am undocumented as an American because I don't have a Real ID Drivers liscence.. even though I have a passport and there is no federal law that you need a real ID.. I have a couple of choice hand signs for Desantis..

    I'm sorry but political leanings and BS aside, DeSantis is a royal nutjob. I truly hope CT bans Florida Licences on Principal or better yet we have a huge boycott of Florida,, I really hope that the backlash is financially and politically DEVASTATING to Florida and their little Dictator..


    The Federal Gov isn't even requiring Real Ids to fly until 2025

    You could move to California where the governor is pretty different, but alas, my driver's license says the same thing.

    I could just as easily blame my governor and my governor's politics but as you can see, the governors of both states are about as polar opposite as it gets, yet you and I both have driver's licenses that don't meet the minimum requirements. The history of this is that some states started handing out drivers licenses to people who aren't citizens and with very little required documentation. Therefore they were required to create distinctions between driver's licenses from people who rigorously verified who they are versus the one that you and I have where verification was quite relaxed.
    It's politics yeah, but it's not quite what you think and this stuff went into effect before DeSantis came into power in Florida.

  9. #24
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    Default Re: Florida Governor Ron Desantis Just banned me from Driving in Florida

    With a open border & we have no idea who is coming through, what do we do ? Some states are giving state drivers licences to anyone. How do you stop that?

  10. #25
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    Lol remember we live in a country were our pledge of allegiance is not allowed in our public schools and a country with no designated language!! And politicians bend over backwards to help illegal immigrants! Where else in the world does this float .
    Funny thing! On my last vacation on the ship they brought in a speaker who explained how with the retirement and deaths of the baby boomers European countries were going to be losing a huge amount of the population. These countries needed an influx of people to fill the work force. Immigration is needed at the rate of at least 200k a years for these countries to survive. If they work they pay taxes. But here in the US facing the same problem we let in all these illegals who then work off the books paying no taxes and the government gives them money and food and medical. Finds it wrong to force them to learn the language or become tax paying citizens.

  11. #26
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  12. #27
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    Default Re: Florida Governor Ron Desantis Just banned me from Driving in Florida

    Law's of control of any kind by any political Party has never work , ie gun laws , because criminals are just simple that just criminals they do not follow any law.
    And is the law abiding citizens who end up paying the consequences , go and take a drive in Miami a very Blue City even though is Florida though, people driving in the middle of the yellow line , hitting their horns if you take a few seconds in a traffic light with the green light, people turning into your lane in the middle of a left turn at the intersections, people with mopeds in the free way, don't let me start with the reentry in the lanes and braking illegally in the pay toll and cutting on front of you. Yes is totally madness and good percentage are illegals , they learn to drive who knows where is the United Nations down there.
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  13. #28
    Registered Member Pardal's Avatar
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    Default Re: Florida Governor Ron Desantis Just banned me from Driving in Florida

    Quote Originally Posted by bluelagoon View Post
    Remember the people voted him in so it's not only Ron Santis is extreme right in Florida. Modern women and gay folks are taking a hit too in some of those states. Then that's another rant.
    Gay people in Florida voted for Desantis, and actually there is a very open gay guy, name Otaola running for Major at this very moment in Miami. don't believe everything in the news, like the pres secretary BS about gay people in Florida.
    This so called dictator was the one that keep Florida open and took care of the elderly while the others states were in completely shut down hurting small business but allowing big corporations and big industries to remain open with very authoritarian measures ,that is the reason that He got reelected many democrats vote for him many democrats are conservative in many things regarding to family values, The inflow of people moving to Florida daily is crazy I have neighbors from California and they couldn't be more happy about it. I just joke with them , and tell them don't be changing things here , something that the majority of people are afraid here, is like the immigrant that come escaping from dictators and want to change the US to the same **** they came from no way, Sorry that happen this to you Al , We will never agree 100% with any governor or President they will be always thing that will piss us off.
    But the guy is a Saint compare to the P.... of S... we have on all the Liberal States that they call themselves Democrats, and don't get me start with Brandon.
    Last edited by Pardal; 07-14-2023 at 07:31 PM.
    Breeding , interest and goals Wilds Heckels and Cuipeuas and a few Domestics pairs with occasional fry as well as Angels fancy Plecos , corys and shrimps.

  14. #29
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re: Florida Governor Ron Desantis Just banned me from Driving in Florida

    Really Disappointing Folks. Not surprising given the state of politics here but Disappointing nonetheless. People are so caught up in the Political ideologies that they can not see how wrong it is for one State to restrict the movements and liberties of legal USA citizen from another State what ever the reason. Its not about Conservative and Liberals...Its about a Reciprocity among states that goes back to our Countries founding and its subsequent amendments.

    Apathy kills Democracy... Just because this insignificant thing to you does not affect you, does not mean its not something that you should care about. When ever a government body restricts the rights and civil liberties of Legal Citizens you should be alarmed. The red flag should be when they are doing it to protect you from a boogieman that will do you harm.. in this case its undocumented immigrants that is the Boogieman. They will come for you next. It been documented time and again historically.

    Ironically Florida allows Canadian Drivers licenses.. oh yeah..they tried banning them and requiring Canadians to get international Licenses but repealed it when they realized it would cost tourist dollars.

    I knew when I posted this that there would be comments that reflected the political landscape, I thank those that sympathized with my loss of civil liberties in Florida, as for those that do not agree with my Rant, Thankfully that is still my right.

    have a great weekend everyone.

    Last edited by brewmaster15; 07-15-2023 at 11:22 AM.
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