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Thread: Ideas for Freeze Dried Brine Shrimp Dust

  1. #1

    Default Ideas for Freeze Dried Brine Shrimp Dust


    My fish love the Hikari brand FD Brine Shrimp but about 20% of the cubes have been reduced to a fine dust in the can. I feel that if I put it in the tank is will serve as nothing but pollution. I'm looking for ideas from everybody of what may work as a good binding agent for reconsituting the dust back to clumps. I don't use frozen or live foods so my 1st though is mashing some flake food in water to make a paste and then adding the dust.

    Call me cheap but there's a lot of shrimp in there that I hate to throw in the trash!

    Thanks in advance for any ideas.


  2. #2
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Apr 2002

    Default Re: Ideas for Freeze Dried Brine Shrimp Dust

    HI Paul,

    Probably the easiest thing to do is add them to a beefheart mix if use that ....but otherwise...

    Pick up some Knox Unflavored gelatin... thats a great binder for home foods and should do the trick...I'd use it sparingly as you really just want to clump up the shrimp fines.

    alternatively..... Take what you have in fines...Grind it to a fine a powder...I use an electric coffee grinder...and take that powder to mix with a course pellet like tetra bits...then add a bit of cold waterto just soak the food....mix well... spread out on some foil thin and dry inthe oven at a very low temp...less than 200F ..or better yet use a air driven food dehydrator if you have one.. As the tetra bits dry...the powder will stick to the food.

    Good luck,

    Ps... If you like saving Money... Check out for their bulk pack freeze dried Brine.....I recently bought some and its a great product....mine was mostly intact brine...very little fines...hth
    Last edited by brewmaster15; 01-27-2008 at 08:28 AM.
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  3. #3

    Default Re: Ideas for Freeze Dried Brine Shrimp Dust

    Thanks Al! I'll don the apron and give it a try. Better do this when the wife is away! I can hear it now "Are you using my good cookie sheet for that?!"

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