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Thread: Homeland security boys alittle touchy...

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Cool Homeland security boys alittle touchy...

    I left for San Francisco early last Thursday afternoon with my wife for a 5 day trip for a little sight seeing and to catch 3 games between the St. Louis Cardinals and the SF Giants, flying out of and back to SeaTac Airport in Seatttle. We got back last night.

    We went through security, sending our shoes and belts through the X-ray machine with no problems. My wife's carry-on cleared. My backpack seemed to interest evryone, as the line stopped and all sorts of "official" looking characters looked at the picture for a good 5 minutes. I asked if there was a problem. All of a sudden our line was closed, and everyone behind me was switched to another line. Becoming impatient, again, I asked if there was a problem. They told me that there was something in the bag that couldn't come through. I told them to finish running the bag through and I'd show them what it might be. I had some electronics and wiring in the front pocket. I thought that they may have thought it was a bomb or something. This guy says, "you can't touch anything it that bag, sir". I told him what it was, and he said it wasn't. I said it was. He said it wasn't. My wife asked what he thought it was. He said it was a gun. All of a sudden, I was surrounded by 6 armed men.

    Apparenty, trying to go through security with a fully loaded Berreta semiautomatic pistol causes quite a stir, is a big no-no, and "Whoops" doesn't cut it for these guys. lol I tried to explain that it was an accident. I had put the gun in the backpack last year and forgot it was there. I suggested that they just keep it and I'd pick it up on the return trip. Turns out it doesn't work that way . This shaved headed Marine looking guy says, "Make no mistake about it, you're under arrest". Seems that there is a law or something, even if you possess a concealed weapons permit as I do, against bringing a gun into an airport.

    They marched me and my not too surprised wife through the airport to the security area, split us up and questioned me. They notified the FBI as well. After a background check, revealing I was not connected to the Taliban or any other terrorists organization, and that, yes, I simply forgot that the weapon was in the backpack, they released me. Fortunately, we arrived two hours early for the flight, and left on time.

    Ever forget? Happened to me.


  2. #2
    Registered Member poconogal's Avatar
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    Default Re: Homeland security boys alittle touchy...

    OMG Mat, good thing you weren't trying to smuggle Discus in WATER on board, too! After reading your post, I will make sure we don't forget any guns in our bags, that's for sure, even though we too have permits for concealed carry here in good ole' PA! Glad you didn't need to raise bail!
    So Many Fish... So Little Tank Space

  3. #3
    Registered Member Chad Hughes's Avatar
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    Default Re: Homeland security boys alittle touchy...


    Well, I wouldn't say that they are being overly cautious. Had I been in their position I would have likely arrested you as well. LOL!

    I do have one question....


    Best wishes!
    Chad Hughes


  4. #4
    Registered Member seanyuki's Avatar
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    Default Re: Homeland security boys alittle touchy...

    Hey Mat,

    Were you in the evening news?...glad that you and your family made back home lah.


  5. #5
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    Default Re: Homeland security boys alittle touchy...

    Repeat post, but HOW DO YOU LOSE TRACK OF A GUN?

  6. #6
    Registered Member alpine's Avatar
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    Default Re: Homeland security boys alittle touchy...

    You will tell your Grandchildren about this one !


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Homeland security boys alittle touchy...

    In this day and age you're lucky you're still not behind bars.....again how'd you loose track of a pistol

    BTW you're not allowed to bring them into Canada by car either.

  8. #8
    Registered Member MSD's Avatar
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    Default Re: Homeland security boys alittle touchy...

    Bringing a gun into an airport, who doesn't know these days that is a no-no. And losing track of a gun? They should have hauled you away in cuffs. Do you think because you know you are "good" Mat they do to? Oh lets trust this nice old guy with a gun, he probably wasn't going to use it, Pulease.....

    As when you judge discus, no compassion here.
    Last edited by MSD; 06-02-2009 at 07:22 PM.

  9. #9
    Registered Member Discus-n00b's Avatar
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    Default Re: Homeland security boys alittle touchy...

    If it was an M9, i could understand "losing" it....pffft 9mm.

    In a way, maybe its my twisted sense of humor and how everything turned out ok, but thats kinda funny.

    Flying out for training in California, we were all hand carrying our M16's on a civilian aircraft. M16 passed fine, but they took my small knife (3-4" blade) that i had forgotten in my pocket away from seriously?

  10. #10
    Registered Member Ardan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Homeland security boys alittle touchy...

    Good grief Larry
    Well I can understand how you can start to forget things, after all aren't you around the same age as I

    What an experience!
    Take care and stay safe


  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Wink Re: Homeland security boys alittle touchy...

    Well, as least Roberto has a similar sense of humor. This was what my wife calls - Matty being Matty.

    Obviously, many of you have no experience with guns, esp. carrying a concealed one. I do, and have for a long time, and had a couple of occasions where I needed one or would have been robbed or beaten or worse. I won't be a victim. The gun wasn't lost. I simply took it out of a rainjacket pocket that I was going to take to a Seahawks game one rainy Sunday last season, and slipped it into the backpack in the same closet. I have a couple of handguns placed for access if needed for personal protection in my home. Home invasion is a real threat today, sadly. I was just relating a story, that's all. I do try and find the humor in such events. I have a lot such stories, but then, perhaps, I lead a different life than many. I do march to my own drummer.

    As far as compassion, MSD, it is not a catagory in the judging criteria, nor, was I looking for any by this post. It was yet just another happening in a day of my life. Just Matty being Matty.


  12. #12
    Registered Member calihawker's Avatar
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    Default Re: Homeland security boys alittle touchy...

    Quite a story Matt! Glad you made it through unscathed.

  13. #13
    Registered Member rickztahone's Avatar
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    Default Re: Homeland security boys alittle touchy...

    Quote Originally Posted by ShinShin View Post
    ...I have a couple of handguns placed for access if needed for personal protection in my home. Home invasion is a real threat today, sadly.
    question Mat, say you had needed it in case of personal protection, how would you have known it was in the backpack since you forgot it was there in the first place and took it to the airport?

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  14. #14
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re: Homeland security boys alittle touchy...


    I for one am glad to see that Homeland security did at least do their job and found the gun....sorry it was yours Mat!

    As for how you forget where you put a gun? Jeeze I can't remember where I leave car keys and sunglasses these days..... And I have accidentally forgot it was my turn to take the kids off the bus...All petty compared to a gun...but The human mind does have a tendency to forget least mine does!

    I can however relate... I have a massive camera bag and I on occassion have flown on photo trips...Though not a gun owner, I own a rather long and deadly hunting Buck Hunting knife with a 8-9" blade. I keep in my camera bag so I always have it when I am out and about taking pictures...By leaving it there I know where it is when I grab that particular camera bag....Its been there for years....Though I haven't flown in some years My camera bag comes on as carry on luggage with time I fly I will have to remember to remove it and thanks to Mat....I will!

    and I will also bet Mat and everyone that reads this thread will never lose track of a gun in back pack again!

    take care,
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  15. #15
    Registered Member poconogal's Avatar
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    Default Re: Homeland security boys alittle touchy...

    I'm sure Mat had others around. Those of us who live in a state that allows concealed carry and who do carry usually have more than one gun! Probably also don't have the OMG A GUN thinking! I also think it could be easy to forget when it gets moved and when someone gets distracted, the way anything else can be forgotten about. Not that its a good thing to forget about a gun, especially if children are in the household, but I can see how it could happen.
    So Many Fish... So Little Tank Space

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