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Thread: why are FBW so bad?

  1. #61
    Registered Member strawberryblonde's Avatar
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    Default Re: why are FBW so bad?

    Thank you! I've only been feeding freeze dried blood worms for a week and have been having horrid allergy attacks during the day and after I do a WC. (I'm sitting here itching as we speak and yep, fed them the danged worms as a bedtime snack tonight)

    I actually thought maybe there was something wrong with my water params...some weird pathogen or something, when my finger broke out in hives tonight.
    Once I started reading I took a good look at the hive covered area of my finger and hand (it spread up to my wrist) and lo and behold, I have a small paper cut on that finger.

    I also get itchy, swollen eyes and have had several asthma attacks in the last week.
    I did notice that the attacks were precipitated by the BW dust that flies out of the container when I shake it, so I stopped doing the shaking method and started digging them out by hand. Traded one problem for another, huh? LOL

    I do have allergies to other things like pine, chocolate, etc., but never would have connected the blood worms to this if not for this thread. So thank you again!


  2. #62
    Registered Member White Worm's Avatar
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    Default Re: why are FBW so bad?

    Yep, allergic to them too. I too noticed the fact that even after I stopped use, I would have problems when putting my arms in the tank like Al described. That stuff can hang around for a while.

  3. #63
    Registered Member moon_knight1971's Avatar
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    Default Re: why are FBW so bad?

    Guess I'm lucky and since I have no issues using Hikari FBW as part of my regular feeding regiment of beefheart, flakes and freeze dried black worms

  4. #64
    Silver Member jimmyjoe's Avatar
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    Default Re: why are FBW so bad?

    Touchie subject don't go there........................LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOl..... ...............Sorry Jim

  5. #65
    Platinum Member Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: why are FBW so bad?

    I'm not sure why this is a touchy subject, or why you think people cannot be allergic to bloodworms. Bloodworms are midge larvae. See more info here:

    A quick Google search will turn up several pages full of info, including this study done on chironomid larvae (bloodworm) allergies:

  6. #66
    Silver Member jimmyjoe's Avatar
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    Default Re: why are FBW so bad?

    Sorry, I didn't say anything to the fact of allergic reaction's I'm allergic to bee's believe me I know, never mind. I don't want to start a arguement have a nice evening..........Jim

  7. #67
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    Default Re: why are FBW so bad?

    In my experiance i feed them rarely for a change but take certain precautions.First i wash the live worms i get in chennai properly in a sieve and then i buy liquid metronidazole,ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin from the pharmacies and pour 50 ml of each of these in a small plastic bucket together with the worms and aerate this to prevent worms from dyieng for a couple of hours.Then i take a piece of clean cloth and pour this into the cloth with another bucket below to collect the draining liquid.When i collect all the bloodworms in the cloth i transfer them into a plastic container and put them in a deep freezer.The next day a break chunks of them and feed my discus.They eat them voraciously and in my BB tank i can see their faeces are black so i know that apart from feeding their favourite food i had also dewormed them internally.

  8. #68
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re: why are FBW so bad?

    Quote Originally Posted by ganesan View Post
    In my experiance i feed them rarely for a change but take certain precautions.First i wash the live worms i get in chennai properly in a sieve and then i buy liquid metronidazole,ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin from the pharmacies and pour 50 ml of each of these in a small plastic bucket together with the worms and aerate this to prevent worms from dyieng for a couple of hours.Then i take a piece of clean cloth and pour this into the cloth with another bucket below to collect the draining liquid.When i collect all the bloodworms in the cloth i transfer them into a plastic container and put them in a deep freezer.The next day a break chunks of them and feed my discus.They eat them voraciously and in my BB tank i can see their faeces are black so i know that apart from feeding their favourite food i had also dewormed them internally.
    No offense, but thats an aweful lot of work to clean Blood worms up, and pretreating these Bloodworms as you are with these meds...
    metronidazole,ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin
    is not something I would advise...It most likely will not prevent
    anything, especially in the short treatment time you are using, but will contribute greatly to antibiotic resistance..a serious problem these days ...Metro and cipro are critical medications to humans ...Please think about this when you use them.

    Thank you,
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  9. #69
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    Default Re: why are FBW so bad?

    Just feed them occasionally and you should be fine

  10. #70
    Registered Member ericatdallas's Avatar
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    Default Re: why are FBW so bad?

    Quote Originally Posted by brewmaster15 View Post
    anything, especially in the short treatment time you are using, but will contribute greatly to antibiotic resistance..a serious problem these days ...Metro and cipro are critical medications to humans ...Please think about this when you use them.
    +1, please don't misuse/overuse/blindly-use medications because you're going to create resistant forms for no good reason that could impact treating fish and human diseases.

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