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  1. Reviving an old man's heart (1 replies)
  2. Planning a discus tank... newbie here... (8 replies)
  3. is it normal ? (6 replies)
  4. Newer than New (27 replies)
  5. Where to get nice discus in Iowa? (5 replies)
  6. Wow, check this out if anyone is interested (6 replies)
  7. THANK YOU (0 replies)
  8. Hard Water Stains? (9 replies)
  9. breeding my discus (5 replies)
  10. New to Discus (9 replies)
  11. setting up new tank (9 replies)
  12. new to discus need tips (24 replies)
  13. Qestion about water/ fish (11 replies)
  14. beginner to discus (2 replies)
  15. pairing behavior or pecking order status... (4 replies)
  16. Problems with growing out 2.5" discus (12 replies)
  17. Introduction (LOOOONGGGGG!!) (0 replies)
  18. Can you help me identify these discus (31 replies)
  19. Hi, new discus owner here! (57 replies)
  20. Euruption Leopards vs. Red Spotted Greens (8 replies)
  21. Pump for 29 Gallon Tank (6 replies)
  22. Discus Behavior (4 replies)
  23. What makes a scorpion a scorpion? (5 replies)
  24. cobalt stopped eating (1 replies)
  25. I need a ID on a fish, is this a green mumba(sp?) (24 replies)
  26. Hi! New Discus Enthusiast (14 replies)
  27. New need help again (7 replies)
  28. dominance (5 replies)
  29. Wild Discus and quarantining and sterilizing (14 replies)
  30. BULLYING (9 replies)
  31. throwback? alenquer? (8 replies)
  32. A scrubber ? (1 replies)
  33. Discus water flow rate? (1 replies)
  34. My new discus have Ich!!! What do I do??? (13 replies)
  35. New discus tank idea (8 replies)
  36. ID for my Discus please... (7 replies)
  37. First/long Post: adding MORE discus!?!? (13 replies)
  38. Maybe This Time... (2 replies)
  39. Beef heart (3 replies)
  40. Hello from another n00b, and a water question (11 replies)
  41. Do golden melons pepper?? (9 replies)
  42. How to feed color bits? (17 replies)
  43. Lighting Advice (2 replies)
  44. discus pairing with 2? i thought they were faithful! (12 replies)
  45. strain question (2 replies)
  46. MY FIRST DISCUS !!!!!!!! (30 replies)
  47. Anyone know? (2 replies)
  48. WC, Discus Buffer questions (17 replies)
  49. New to Discus need Urgent Help! (19 replies)
  50. Deworming fish? (33 replies)
  51. Unexpected Gift, need Help (12 replies)
  52. Metal halides or not (9 replies)
  53. keeping Fry with sub-adults? (8 replies)
  54. Oh my, another newbie! (25 replies)
  55. New pics (0 replies)
  56. Late pattern development? (9 replies)
  57. Right Size Tank (1 replies)
  58. american flag fish and discus (3 replies)
  59. Discus Novice (2 replies)
  60. Discus Novice (12 replies)
  61. Bulldog strains (23 replies)
  62. soaking pellets before feeding... (6 replies)
  63. De-worming tanks for the first time...something (15 replies)
  64. 1 degree F temp change. (8 replies)
  65. Water Movement Question (10 replies)
  66. PROBLEM WITH MY WATER (11 replies)
  67. more questions :) (2 replies)
  68. Should I get Discus? (2 replies)
  69. catching Discus (8 replies)
  70. Why Beef Heart? (32 replies)
  71. more poo questions (1 replies)
  72. Web Article Overview on Keeping Discus (0 replies)
  73. Making drift wood (4 replies)
  74. how about these parameters? (8 replies)
  75. well... its a start (5 replies)
  76. New to Discus - Questions! (42 replies)
  77. sizing my Discus (9 replies)
  78. Strange Behaviour (26 replies)
  79. Lighting advice (16 replies)
  80. WATER MOVEMENT?????? (5 replies)
  81. shy discus (4 replies)
  82. juvenile domination (11 replies)
  83. Another QT question (2 replies)
  84. Skimmers (2 replies)
  85. Stress from water cahnges... (15 replies)
  86. general questions (5 replies)
  87. guidance (10 replies)
  88. small question on eye size (9 replies)
  89. Help Identify my discus (0 replies)
  90. Is this normal in discus? (8 replies)
  91. pictures: a month old discus tank. How am i doing? (7 replies)
  92. 10 gallon rule. (13 replies)
  93. Gravel Cleaning/Water Changes (27 replies)
  94. How many discus in a 150gal (7 replies)
  95. Looking to do it right. (17 replies)
  96. which to add first? (3 replies)
  97. Eggs all gone !!! (1 replies)
  98. which better? R/O once a week? or tap water twice a week? (13 replies)
  99. finding quality discus (7 replies)
  100. How many in a 45 gallon (3 replies)
  101. ph help please!!! (6 replies)
  102. Tank Lay out (8 replies)
  103. Need help (9 replies)
  104. Watching our discus spawn right now!!!! (9 replies)
  105. discus covered in mini tiny white spots. (2 replies)
  106. filtration choices (3 replies)
  107. Is this a good feeding schedule? (16 replies)
  108. The Ideal Growing Tank (36 replies)
  109. bad water change (13 replies)
  110. question on my discus (13 replies)
  111. new tank setup for newbie (5 replies)
  112. Discus for those who just want to watch the pretty fish (6 replies)
  113. discus, betta and rashboras? (1 replies)
  114. Discus pecking (15 replies)
  115. will amonia cause discus to loose the red in the eyes? (7 replies)
  116. New Aquarium advice (3 replies)
  117. BIo media questions. (12 replies)
  118. stocking question (2 replies)
  119. Stunted Discus - Is there ANY way to get them BIGGER? (10 replies)
  120. I dont know which to believe (21 replies)
  121. Stressed discus? (4 replies)
  122. QT and Hospital Tank (2 replies)
  123. Why my discus doesn't fully open their fins? (7 replies)
  124. Transporting fish... (6 replies)
  125. asthaxantin mixed with BH on Juv melon (7 replies)
  126. quick question can discus change colors to match a tank mate? (5 replies)
  127. Intermediate understandings (65 replies)
  128. Basic Discus Care (1 replies)
  129. Opinions Needed for Starter Tank (5 replies)
  130. Shallow Tank Question (5 replies)
  131. Time for a new tank - size? (12 replies)
  132. Noises from discus? (8 replies)
  133. Should I remove the gravel? (38 replies)
  134. getting fry to eat (16 replies)
  135. Basic feeding (54 replies)
  136. Does the BIGGEST Discus in a Group Determine the size of the others in the group? (7 replies)
  137. Can Discus Survive off of just Bloodworms? (22 replies)
  138. what ick ich medication is effective, safe on plant and doesnt stain silicone? (1 replies)
  139. quarantine tank medication question (17 replies)
  140. Need help with a few questions (7 replies)
  141. Basic Philosophy of Keeping Discus (54 replies)
  142. best ick medication for discus and tetras (7 replies)
  143. discus quarantine tank question (20 replies)
  144. Discus eating dead cory (25 replies)
  145. GROWTH (4 replies)
  146. Too much water movement? (1 replies)
  147. New fish from Hedut (10 replies)
  148. Best ways to steilize python hoses and other... (19 replies)
  149. Acclimating LFS Discus (17 replies)
  150. Sand for a Discus Tank? (29 replies)
  151. 20g for 24+ hours? (14 replies)
  152. activated carbon question (14 replies)
  153. Please comment on my stocking list (16 replies)
  154. Discus Growth rate (18 replies)
  155. Discus ID (5 replies)
  156. How long before I need to worry? (40 replies)
  157. water changes for discus tank.. (18 replies)
  158. Overflow or no Overflow? (13 replies)
  159. Quarintine Tank Size (4 replies)
  160. Yes I want a Discus Tank... (10 replies)
  161. tank set up plan. (0 replies)
  162. Tank set up (4 replies)
  163. are my fish getting enough air? pls help (7 replies)
  164. No problems yet... (9 replies)
  165. Rams as tester fish? (30 replies)
  166. Dead fish... (5 replies)
  167. 57 gallon tank: are these ok with discus as tankmates? (6 replies)
  168. Food (9 replies)
  169. questions from a rookie,,,more to come (21 replies)
  170. NEED PRIME? (6 replies)
  171. Long time lurker...First time poster. (7 replies)
  172. discus housing (3 replies)
  173. sally (7 replies)
  174. Should i change?? (8 replies)
  175. Advice on Tank Set up (39 replies)
  176. URGENT!! Help needed. (13 replies)
  177. pump rating (4 replies)
  178. White faced melon? (18 replies)
  179. PEPPER spots (11 replies)
  180. B.S. or not? (0 replies)
  181. Newbie Question need answered (1 replies)
  182. Hi all Thanks 4 the great site (2 replies)
  183. help a lfs employee (46 replies)
  184. I thought Discus were suppose to be peaceful?!? (18 replies)
  185. Starting 90 gal BB growout tank (5 replies)
  186. how do you get your discus to start eating (10 replies)
  187. Efficiency of the heater (32 replies)
  188. my discus (28 replies)
  189. help with how many discus (15 replies)
  190. plz help if checkerboard and chessboard discus the same fish??? (8 replies)
  191. Blackwater? (6 replies)
  192. can someone tell me the gender of these 2 ? (13 replies)
  193. Ordered My First Discus from Discus Hans (32 replies)
  194. Questions to go bare bottom (1 replies)
  195. VERY NEWBIE!! Need help selecting discus! (22 replies)
  196. I've Got Eggs! (1 replies)
  197. Discus biting and not eating (6 replies)
  198. Is a 10 gallon ok to grow out juvies? (19 replies)
  199. juvies... (7 replies)
  200. aggression during quarantine (10 replies)
  201. Total darkness at night (11 replies)
  202. what does it mean when discus rapidly vibrate their pectoral fins? (6 replies)
  203. albinos? (4 replies)
  204. leaky tank move asap ? (5 replies)
  205. eheim ecco for discus filtration (9 replies)
  206. Reintegrating a discu back into the main tank (6 replies)
  207. Ammonia Remover (11 replies)
  208. Which strains are hardier? (4 replies)
  209. My setup.....is it ok? (20 replies)
  210. Will The Stunted One Ever Catch Up? (2 replies)
  211. My Journey Begins (21 replies)
  212. Placing media from one tank to another... (29 replies)
  213. New to Discus, Have a couple questions, of course. (41 replies)
  214. Cardinal Tetra for Dinner (16 replies)
  215. To drip or not to drip (11 replies)
  216. New to discus (8 replies)
  217. Best solutions to use to clean crud off... (8 replies)
  218. blue fish (19 replies)
  219. Newbie so I could use some help. (14 replies)
  220. Vacation time - how to feed, IF to feed? (24 replies)
  221. beginner discus questions? (7 replies)
  222. Problem with discus eating anything other than BH and FBW (4 replies)
  223. What Sort of Discus is This? (28 replies)
  224. when do juvi discus really start to color up (20 replies)
  225. Discus are like 13yr old boys. (2 replies)
  226. tds (2 replies)
  227. sick discus T___T (3 replies)
  228. Throwing frozen food into tank to feed... (11 replies)
  229. Purple Knights (12 replies)
  230. Grade A AA AAA throwbacks.. (13 replies)
  231. Repainting tanks how long can the discus... (12 replies)
  232. HOB filters... (18 replies)
  233. I told myself never again LOL fishless cycle (8 replies)
  234. Failure to Thrive (87 replies)
  235. How to quarentine (11 replies)
  236. feeding discus (31 replies)
  237. Filters (18 replies)
  238. discus eating silicon and plants.. (7 replies)
  239. White Discus with a black bottom... (18 replies)
  240. One Discus hiding (9 replies)
  241. My Red Cover with no reds : ( (7 replies)
  242. little white worms?????? (9 replies)
  243. Obesity dangerous? (82 replies)
  244. PH Crash? (11 replies)
  245. Tank Size (2 replies)
  246. Acrylic vs. Glass (5 replies)
  247. paper towels (13 replies)
  248. going about this right? (5 replies)
  249. The death of a discus... (6 replies)
  250. Tank turnover ? (7 replies)