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  1. black worms (6 replies)
  2. Are the pair discus turq? (13 replies)
  3. Discus Numbers (13 replies)
  4. pictures of juvies (1 replies)
  5. TDS (9 replies)
  6. can someone guess the sex of my 2 fish? (5 replies)
  7. What sex is my fish... male? (19 replies)
  8. uv sterilizers (13 replies)
  9. New Discus Tank Setup/Parameters (13 replies)
  10. Not sure what happened... (15 replies)
  11. new setup questions (10 replies)
  12. Discus trouble (5 replies)
  13. Dumb Question - Upside Down discus??? (3 replies)
  14. pH question (3 replies)
  15. Cleaning used sponge filters (17 replies)
  16. Help!!! One of my discus died!!! (11 replies)
  17. Question about lights (8 replies)
  18. looking for a bit of advice (5 replies)
  19. Discus vs. Dried Granules/Flakes (13 replies)
  20. My First Post. Couple of Questions (11 replies)
  21. moving fish (6 replies)
  22. Nightmare! (18 replies)
  23. Quick Dip Strips vs The Kits with vials you mix... (7 replies)
  24. Do different strains have different tendencies? (16 replies)
  25. I know nothing and need lots of help (33 replies)
  26. ro/well water mix (7 replies)
  27. New fish for QT after completing QT of other fish (44 replies)
  28. New setup. Footprint and Filtration? (8 replies)
  29. Double-check before starting the process (1 replies)
  30. cycling tank (4 replies)
  31. pH help! (5 replies)
  32. nitrites rising in discus tank (9 replies)
  33. Noob questions i have had trouble getting defenitive answers for (7 replies)
  34. Left my frozen Hikari food out all day... (9 replies)
  35. Please Advice! (9 replies)
  36. ID please!!!! (12 replies)
  37. bully! (4 replies)
  38. grow out tiime? (7 replies)
  39. Please Help Me (30 replies)
  40. Buying discus of different sizes? (7 replies)
  41. Minimum number of Discus in one tank? (9 replies)
  42. how does a sump work/90 gal. drilled tank ? (3 replies)
  43. Question about qt. (9 replies)
  44. Planning a Discus Tank (5 replies)
  45. Can someone identify my strain of discus? (4 replies)
  46. Problem keeping fish alive (9 replies)
  47. Noob suggestions? (17 replies)
  48. Shy discus... (5 replies)
  49. New discus - usual food problems (9 replies)
  50. Question about fins? (4 replies)
  51. Just got 10 0ne inch (22 replies)
  52. help!! (0 replies)
  53. how do you tell if your discus pair up?? (8 replies)
  54. help plz (0 replies)
  55. Quarantine question (1 replies)
  56. Overstocked? (31 replies)
  57. Line graph Water Quality database Wanted (2 replies)
  58. Strain List for Beginners (pictures) (312 replies)
  59. thinking about buying discus (4 replies)
  60. Fishless tank cycle (10 replies)
  61. what is a good growth rate for juvies? (23 replies)
  62. question about Quick cure.... (3 replies)
  63. Frozen food vs dried food... (7 replies)
  64. After adding new discus when to do water change? (3 replies)
  65. Nitrite Nitrate Ph (11 replies)
  66. Cleaning Question (7 replies)
  67. WHat dsicus eyes are not red? (25 replies)
  68. Discus from breeder to my house (2 replies)
  69. why change water so often? (70 replies)
  70. stopping fights? (5 replies)
  71. Water pumps.. (15 replies)
  72. Normal Behavior & Cycling Q (15 replies)
  73. Copper... (18 replies)
  74. Good steel shelving.... (12 replies)
  75. discus qustion (12 replies)
  76. For those that have done fishless cycle... (6 replies)
  77. filter/sump (6 replies)
  78. New to site (9 replies)
  79. should young discus be kept in small tank?when juvenile? (2 replies)
  80. Realized I might have made some booboos... (10 replies)
  81. Introducing discus to tank (2 replies)
  82. Penang eruption... (8 replies)
  83. After treating discus with iodine... (18 replies)
  84. heaters.... (16 replies)
  85. medicine (0 replies)
  86. Water changes during cycling (8 replies)
  87. newby here (15 replies)
  88. HELP identify these! (6 replies)
  89. any one know what these are? (2 replies)
  90. Length of time to leave carbon in after quick cure treatment.. (1 replies)
  91. In a school of discus, is the alpha always a male? (2 replies)
  92. need pics...please!!! (2 replies)
  93. Can a fish have a salt bath while being treated with quick cure?d (4 replies)
  94. The difference between ppm and mg/l (9 replies)
  95. How small is to small... (13 replies)
  96. nitrAte question (24 replies)
  97. Starting my fishless cycle tomorrow... (19 replies)
  98. 37 gallon Tall (10 replies)
  99. Total Newbie Question (9 replies)
  100. Immediate Help for Beginner! Please... (35 replies)
  101. quick cure treatment sponge in or out? (15 replies)
  102. I need a good diet for my fish.. (20 replies)
  103. COlors of tank bottoms and back... (4 replies)
  104. New discus arrivals..QT tank questions.. (4 replies)
  105. How many? (10 replies)
  106. spounge filter question (3 replies)
  107. removing fish waste between WC's (10 replies)
  108. Anyone ever order from KC Discus (20 replies)
  109. Ace Hardware Amonia.... (8 replies)
  110. Back to Discus (3 replies)
  111. Placing feamle back with her partner who has been sick... (0 replies)
  112. Discus scratching? (8 replies)
  113. How do I soften my water.... (17 replies)
  114. Carbon use... (7 replies)
  115. Cycling my grow out tank. (4 replies)
  116. Cloudy eyes after quick cure treatment... (8 replies)
  117. Acclimation (67 replies)
  118. 3"+ Altum Flora top fin mysteriously chopped off (3 replies)
  119. Cardinal Tetras (19 replies)
  120. Do any discus keepers use baking soda? (8 replies)
  121. Ammonia for cycling a tank...10% Amonia Hydroxide (7 replies)
  122. Is this a good ammonia source? (2 replies)
  123. Minimum height? (2 replies)
  124. WATER CHANGES.. (11 replies)
  125. Help with RENA Filstar II filter media (5 replies)
  126. Differences between red marlborough and fire red (6 replies)
  127. help!!!!!!!!!!!! i need to decide...need help on this one. (5 replies)
  128. Cycling a new tank (1 replies)
  129. Cerium Oxide Glass Polish (0 replies)
  130. new fish (10 replies)
  131. Fishless cycle - Time required for ammonia to appear (11 replies)
  132. Need Help! New discus not eating (0 replies)
  133. Earth Worms? The economical fish food? (15 replies)
  134. ALGE PROBLEM!! (12 replies)
  135. My Blue Diamond is now Black (10 replies)
  136. UV Sterilizer Use... (10 replies)
  137. a work in progress!! (4 replies)
  138. WHAT TYPE SHOULD I USE? (9 replies)
  139. question about HOB filters (22 replies)
  140. Discus keep getting scraped up and hurt! HELP! (4 replies)
  141. Keeping An Empty Tank Cycled? (7 replies)
  142. Adding rocks to aquariums... (13 replies)
  143. should i be concerned? (8 replies)
  144. Dither fish theories? (39 replies)
  145. Confuse (16 replies)
  146. question on size of Quarantine Tank (2 replies)
  147. water change tap water (42 replies)
  148. Snails (4 replies)
  149. Medicine cabinet for discus... (3 replies)
  150. Tell me what you think (6 replies)
  151. high nitrite (9 replies)
  152. anyone know anything about these places? (4 replies)
  153. Just about ready for Discus.... Need to learn a few more lessions... i think (10 replies)
  154. Type of substrate? (5 replies)
  155. Sponge filters how often and how to clean them.... (9 replies)
  156. making a new tank....my first tank:) (3 replies)
  157. White spots on male discus... (49 replies)
  158. Going on Vacation for 2 weeks - what to do? (12 replies)
  159. UV Sterilizers... (7 replies)
  160. WILL THEY PEPPER? (16 replies)
  161. Color (4 replies)
  162. Questions about Discus Social Behavior (1 replies)
  163. Struggling with tank (52 replies)
  164. Hardness? (16 replies)
  165. PH SHOT UP TO 8.8 PLEASE HELP! (54 replies)
  166. hydor inline heater+fluval 305 or 405 (15 replies)
  167. What is consider Rapid Breathing? (12 replies)
  168. Feeding discus (13 replies)
  169. Size of juvies (5 replies)
  170. Timing of Water Change question (17 replies)
  171. heater position, is it safe? (7 replies)
  172. hex questions, please bear with me (12 replies)
  173. Why no carbon? (9 replies)
  174. is it safe to use flourish excel? (14 replies)
  175. Discus in 40 Breeder Planted? (10 replies)
  176. water change question (18 replies)
  177. Discus has hex, now what? (17 replies)
  178. Mean group of new discus (3 replies)
  179. First time bringing Discus home. Please Help! (8 replies)
  180. What fish to cycle tank? (8 replies)
  181. blue eyed plecostomus (15 replies)
  182. Help I lost one! (4 replies)
  183. aquaclear filter position (2 replies)
  184. Discus size (6 replies)
  185. breeder tank (3 replies)
  186. 80 litres planted tank (3 replies)
  187. Discus are shy (12 replies)
  188. Weird Film On Top of the water. (19 replies)
  189. Will all bright or light colored discus have peppering in planted tank? (13 replies)
  190. tank been unsettled (0 replies)
  191. Driftwood gone bad.... (6 replies)
  192. American Marine Inc. Vs Raytek (0 replies)
  193. Questions about water aging? (10 replies)
  194. Is 80 cmTank enough for 6 discus.... (3 replies)
  195. Determining discus dominance (1 replies)
  196. cycle? (18 replies)
  197. Juvies and lighting (16 replies)
  198. Grow out question (5 replies)
  199. Whats the difference? (15 replies)
  200. cloudy and smelly tank (10 replies)
  201. pre filter for hob filter (13 replies)
  202. Filter Media for FX5 (48 replies)
  203. Planted Discus tanks (49 replies)
  204. Is it normal? (3 replies)
  205. marineland light timer (2 replies)
  206. Convict Cichlid--aquarium salt (10 replies)
  207. do i need water conditioner? (16 replies)
  208. Shedding? (3 replies)
  209. pre filter for aquaclear 70 (3 replies)
  210. Are they stunted? (16 replies)
  211. The true 8" monster! (50 replies)
  212. My tank full of bubbles (6 replies)
  213. Question on cichlid and visi-therm heater (7 replies)
  214. Water conditioner help please (28 replies)
  215. stress bars (3 replies)
  216. turning dark when feeding... (3 replies)
  217. Hi (6 replies)
  218. New here, hi everyone. (11 replies)
  219. What is the best Lighting for Discus? (4 replies)
  220. how many? (14 replies)
  221. Thermometers (35 replies)
  222. UV Sterilizers (16 replies)
  223. Help..My discus are dying (106 replies)
  224. How many in my 125? (17 replies)
  225. Discus questions (1 replies)
  226. Stalled Cycle..I think?? (15 replies)
  227. Coming back to the hobby (4 replies)
  228. Filtration question (4 replies)
  229. Growing out Discus and Tank size.. (3 replies)
  230. Shoulod I move them? (6 replies)
  231. Do fish get full? (32 replies)
  232. PH question (4 replies)
  233. Aquarium Light Spooks Discus - Now What? (17 replies)
  234. What should I do differently to get my discus to size HUMUNGOUS? (12 replies)
  235. Have you ever seen your discus sleep?! (18 replies)
  236. Water consistancy woes (12 replies)
  237. First Time Discus Owner - This Saturday (14 replies)
  238. discus lay eggs help (4 replies)
  239. What to do when on vacation (8 replies)
  240. Carbon in the filter? (15 replies)
  241. What meds should I keep on hand (2 replies)
  242. Water flow? (13 replies)
  243. Q- Tank (14 replies)
  244. Strange Behavior (10 replies)
  245. Discus newbie (3 replies)
  246. What size before adding substrate? (31 replies)
  247. Water changes (28 replies)
  248. Convincing discus to eat new foods (12 replies)
  249. where can get furazolidone (7 replies)
  250. What size quarantine tank? (14 replies)