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Thread: 7-9 inch discus grown out in a planted tank/Do you believe it?

  1. #1
    Registered Member bluelagoon's Avatar
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    Default 7-9 inch discus grown out in a planted tank/Do you believe it?

    Hey,A few members on my local fish forum says that you can get jumbos raised in a planted tank.Says she has done it and a few folks backing it up.After being on here and hearing about BB tanks for the last 8 years or so I find it hard to believe.No pics on a ruler have be observed.


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    Default Re: 7-9 inch discus grown out in a planted tank/Do you believe it?

    be nice to see without having to join something.

  3. #3
    New Members Solid's Avatar
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    Default Re: 7-9 inch discus grown out in a planted tank/Do you believe it?

    As someone who has tried to grow out discus in a planted tank, I believe it can be done by an experienced aquarist, but it is difficult. I had kept high tech planted tanks for 3 years before I got discus. Out of 5 fish I originally had three made it to adulthood and one made it to 6"+ but is no where near a show quality fish. I am sure more experienced people could do a better job than me and grow out bigger discus more consistently. I think it is very possible. However for the most people, especially people who are not experts with planted tanks and/or discus, using a BB tank will be much easier and give more consistent results. I think its a much better idea to go with BB until you get the hang of discus, then you can mix it up and try new things.

    Also I did not get to see your link because you have to register (which was annoying) and even then you have to wait for approval. So I am not sure exactly what it says.
    Last edited by Solid; 03-13-2015 at 02:42 PM.

  4. #4
    Registered Member John_Nicholson's Avatar
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    Default Re: 7-9 inch discus grown out in a planted tank/Do you believe it?

    It is not impossible, just not easy. I have known some people to do it but it is not the norm by any means. I know a guy that did it. He had 20 discus in an 800 gallon heavily planted tank. He still did water changes but obviously not 50% a day......LOL.

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  5. #5
    Registered Member XAnhLe's Avatar
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    Default Re: 7-9 inch discus grown out in a planted tank/Do you believe it?

    So many factors... At what size did you get your fish at, how heavily planted, water change schedule, tank size to # of fish, etc.

    I grew out 5 fish to 6"+ in a hi-tech planted tank, some were obtained at 5" and some were obtained at 3". 9-11 discus in 90G tank. 70-100% water change every 3 days.

    I don't know about 7-9 inches LOL... I haven't seen a 9" fish yet, and my fish are not old enough to be 7-8". But I'd assume not every fish can get that far due to genetics reason.

  6. #6
    Registered Member pastry's Avatar
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    Default Re: 7-9 inch discus grown out in a planted tank/Do you believe it?

    Just like others said, it can be done but requires a lot of water, great water quality, and a hell of lot of commitment (and that's a lot of commitment from discus-hobbyist standards... which is a ton). I have a handful in a 150 and never strived for "jumbo" but obtained 6" fish (BARELY 6 inches). Honestly, 6" fish (my opinion) are good but bigger discus will make my jaw drop. I love my 6" discus but when I had wilds a loooong time ago that were fully grown prior to purchase then they were amazing (had one semi-royal blue that was huuuuge & thick... very impressive sight).

  7. #7
    Registered Member monching's Avatar
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    Default Re: 7-9 inch discus grown out in a planted tank/Do you believe it?

    I have this pair 5 years or so ago and measured them from tip to tip (lip to tail)
    Male is almost 9 inches
    Female is 7 inches
    About 4 years old at that time.
    I put my hand for comparison purpose.I'm 5'7" tall
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  8. #8

    Default Re: 7-9 inch discus grown out in a planted tank/Do you believe it?

    Quote Originally Posted by bluelagoon View Post
    Hey,A few members on my local fish forum says that you can get jumbos raised in a planted tank.Says she has done it and a few folks backing it up.After being on here and hearing about BB tanks for the last 8 years or so I find it hard to believe.No pics on a ruler have be observed.

    Congratz to the guy who did it! Most of the people are quite old here and stick to the old conventions to the word I'm also trying to grow them out from 2 inch size and have had great success so far even with as less as 2 water changes per week. And this is the first time I have Discus or a planted tank! So people reading here should understand that people posting here as rules are just stuff been past down for decades that worked and that is it!
    Last edited by Reesj; 03-14-2015 at 12:54 AM.

  9. #9
    Registered Member zergling's Avatar
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    Default Re: 7-9 inch discus grown out in a planted tank/Do you believe it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Reesj View Post
    Congratz to the guy who did it! Most of the people are quite old here and stick to the old conventions to the word I'm also trying to grow them out from 2 inch size and have had great success so far even with as less as 2 water changes per week. And this is the first time I have Discus or a planted tank! So people reading here should understand that people posting here as rules are just stuff been past down for decades that worked and that is it!
    Can you post pics of your greatly successful discus after a little over 3 months of your care?

  10. #10

    Default Re: 7-9 inch discus grown out in a planted tank/Do you believe it?

    Quote Originally Posted by zergling View Post
    Can you post pics of your greatly successful discus after a little over 3 months of your care?
    Actually I only had them for about 2 months. They are in no way great quality fish when I got them and one was stunted and one was a runt. But I got them cheap and was greatly successful at fattening them up and growing them! After just over 2 months even the stunted guy have grown up a bit and other 4 quite considerably. BTW there is a slight current in the tank so the shape of the discus specially the fins are a bit clamped up!
    2 weeks in fish,

    These pictures were taken last week. You can clearly see the size improvement in less than 2 months compared with the runt.
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  11. #11
    Registered Member John_Nicholson's Avatar
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    Default Re: 7-9 inch discus grown out in a planted tank/Do you believe it?

    "posting here as rules are just stuff been past down for decades that worked and that is it! " ....... Not really. What we are posting is the proven best way to raise discus. It is not just some old outdated information. So far you have not proven anything. If you go back and research what most of us have posted through the years is that it almost always seems to work for a few months. You are trying to get people to throw out decades of proven success based on your 60 days of experience. I hope you have lots of success but my prediction is the best that you do is fish that do not make it past 5 inches. The worse that you do is a post that says "All of a sudden my fish got sick" which is false because they have been getting sick all along.

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  12. #12
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re: 7-9 inch discus grown out in a planted tank/Do you believe it?

    Its one thing to recognize what works best in accomplishing ones goals and opting to try something different and another to ignore whats been shown to work best and do something different. These may sound like similar things with a similar out come....but they are not.
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  13. #13

    Default Re: 7-9 inch discus grown out in a planted tank/Do you believe it?

    Quote Originally Posted by brewmaster15 View Post
    Its one thing to recognize what works best in accomplishing ones goals and opting to try something different and another to ignore whats been shown to work best and do something different. These may sound like similar things with a similar out come....but they are not.
    I never said what has been posted here does not work! But what I'm trying to say is that there might be alternative ways to do things with considerable success! What is the point of this forum if it is only to regurgitate the same stuff for decades? Won't a article be sufficient in that regard than a forum ?
    Ofc I might fail in raising these fish and they might die; But at least I have tried something and have had fun doing it! Also the discus and rest of the fish are still healthy while I was told my fish would be dead by 2.5 months. Anyway I introduced some discus after a small quarantine yesterday. They were from a guy whos rest of the 8 died off and I managed to save them from medication. Lets see at least that will tip the scale to get them killed as some think

  14. #14
    Administrator and MVP Dec.2015 Second Hand Pat's Avatar
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    Default Re: 7-9 inch discus grown out in a planted tank/Do you believe it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Reesj View Post
    I never said what has been posted here does not work! But what I'm trying to say is that there might be alternative ways to do things with considerable success! What is the point of this forum if it is only to regurgitate the same stuff for decades? Won't a article be sufficient in that regard than a forum ?
    Ofc I might fail in raising these fish and they might die; But at least I have tried something and have had fun doing it! Also the discus and rest of the fish are still healthy while I was told my fish would be dead by 2.5 months. Anyway I introduced some discus after a small quarantine yesterday. They were from a guy whos rest of the 8 died off and I managed to save them from medication. Lets see at least that will tip the scale to get them killed as some think
    Perhaps you should consider creating a grow out thread with regular updates so we can see your status with your fish.
    Your discus are talking to you....are you listening

  15. #15
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re: 7-9 inch discus grown out in a planted tank/Do you believe it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Reesj View Post
    I never said what has been posted here does not work! But what I'm trying to say is that there might be alternative ways to do things with considerable success! What is the point of this forum if it is only to regurgitate the same stuff for decades? Won't a article be sufficient in that regard than a forum ?
    Ofc I might fail in raising these fish and they might die; But at least I have tried something and have had fun doing it! Also the discus and rest of the fish are still healthy while I was told my fish would be dead by 2.5 months. Anyway I introduced some discus after a small quarantine yesterday. They were from a guy whos rest of the 8 died off and I managed to save them from medication. Lets see at least that will tip the scale to get them killed as some think
    First off, I never referred to anyone.. I made a general statement designed to make members think. Topics like this thread come up time and again...and theres always a few that feel as you do. My experience shows me one of three things happen.. They learn from their mistakes and go on to raise great fish, they adjust what their acceptable goals are (the 7 inch fish is acceptible as a 5-6 "fish, stunted are fine as well.) or they leave they hobby.

    Second... You are free to do as you wish with your fish... You raise them anyway you see fit.They are yours. The same goes for anyone. You are not free to pass on bad advise...if I or others here with experience see bad advice, It is my/our obligation as someone that cares about this hobby and the level of accurate information on this forum to point out when bad advice is posted. This I have always done and will always do. Its one reason Why we made this forum. Bad advice does not hurt your fish... it potentially hurts someone elses reading what you write...worse its then regurgitated by novices as the way to do things. It is not that I and others like me are stuck on giving out the same old advice..Its that we are trying to help people succeed at keeping these fish, when most of them know nothing about discus.

    What is the point of this forum if it is only to regurgitate the same stuff for decades?
    The point is to provide hobbyists with information on the proper care and Husbandry of Discus. Discussions on that matter are always welcome as are differing points on what constitutes proper care.However the burden of proof on that should be based on examples and documentation. We recognize that people will like to do things differently and have gone as far as setting up a section of the forum for it...

    Ofc I might fail in raising these fish and they might die; But at least I have tried something and have had fun doing it! Also the discus and rest of the fish are still healthy while I was told my fish would be dead by 2.5 months. Anyway I introduced some discus after a small quarantine yesterday. They were from a guy whos rest of the 8 died off and I managed to save them from medication. Lets see at least that will tip the scale to get them killed as some think
    Best of luck... Personally I think you are making a mistake in the way you are going about your Discus Keeping...

    Last edited by brewmaster15; 03-14-2015 at 11:33 AM.
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