Golden State Discus

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Thread: I see my thread has disappeared...

  1. #1

    Default I see my thread has disappeared...

    It would have been nice to at least have had some notification via a PM that my thread had been moved/deleted.

    I see that this forum's falling reputation is well deserved - the mindset of the commercial breeder is too closed to new ideas or possibilities, as it is perceived a threat to their way of livelyhood.

    I never said I was "dissing' the professional breeders' efforts - what works for them, works...fine and dandy. It's their life, their livelyhood; they dedicate enormous time, resources and effort into what they produce. That, I can respect.

    BUT - can you people not even respect an alternative point of view? Are you so entrenched in current thinking that anything offered up that does not match must be abolished, never to see the light for fear that it may catch on?

    AS promised, two links to studies regarding natural history and reproduction in wild discus: (Natural history)(pay attention to the explanation for Fig. 9!) (Ovarian developement) final words, just as an FYI: My discus are fed 2x a day(beefheart, bloodworms, brine shrimp, and flakes); water changes are once a week, 50-90% depending on what tank they are in(55gal = 90%, 100 gal = 50%)

    Good day all, and good luck.

  2. #2
    Registered Member wendy9722's Avatar
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    Default Re: I see my thread has disappeared...

    Your thread is still on here. I just read it. Best of luck with sale.

  3. #3
    Registered Member Skip's Avatar
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    Default Re: I see my thread has disappeared...

    Jester - S0S Crew Texas

  4. #4
    Registered Member Larry Bugg's Avatar
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    Default Re: I see my thread has disappeared...

    You are reading into these reports what you want to hear. All living creatures develope sexually based on a chronological sequence not size. It isn't when a human girl reaches a certain size she is sexually mature. It isn't when a dog or cat reach a certain size they are sexually mature. It is the same with fish. It isn't when they reach a cerain size that they are sexually mature. It is based on a chronological age. Now there are factors that can hinder that development but under normal circumstances this is the way it works. It is a fact that discus reach sexual maturity somewhere between 10 months and 1 1/2 year old. This is documented over and over again. Fact. So yes, your fish that are now 1 1/2 years old are adults if you base it on sexual maturity.

    The study shows that discus of a certain size have reached sexual maturity. Under normal circumstance this would indeed be correct. All creatures are set to grow at a certain rate. It is their growth cycle. Certain factors may alter this progression but under normal circumstances it falls within a planned range. Your discus fall in the category of certain factors may alter this progression. They are stunted and have not attained the size they should be at this time in their lives. The pair of mine I linked on your other thread are stunted also but at 4 to 4 1/2 inches they are sexually mature and have produced fry.

    The breeders here who feed their juvies at multiple times during the day are not "force" feeding these discus. They are providing food for them to eat as they wish and most of these "breeders" are not "professional" breeders. They are not running a business and making money on their sales. Most are lucky to be off setting the cost of their hobby. They change water on a large scale, not to froce growth of the juvies but to provide what discus get in their natural habitat. The Amazon region that these discus come from is actually a very clean body of moving water. We have to do water changes to maintain what they would get in the wild.
    Larry Bugg

    NADA - Vice President
    Atlanta Area Aquarium Association

  5. #5
    Registered Member Coffee1stLife2nd's Avatar
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    Default Re: I see my thread has disappeared...

    I can also see it...
    ** I use to dream of Unicorns ** NOW I dream of Discus with the colors of the Rainbow **

  6. #6
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Apr 2002

    Default Re: I see my thread has disappeared...

    I see that this forum's falling reputation is well deserved
    Give me a break ........ only thing thats falling around here is my tolerance for members that don't appreciate all this forum offers for free and get set off because they have one bad thread or or a run in with one or two critical forum members.

    User has requested their account be removed....Admin has gladly complied.

    AquaticSuppliers.comFoods your Discus will Love!!!

    >>>>>Want a great forum? Participate in it and make one.. it doesnt happen on its own...

    we need help..


    Al Sabetta
    Simplydiscus LLC Owner

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