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  1. Freshwater flounder? (6 replies)
  2. Cardinal Tetras Fighting? (14 replies)
  3. l333 pleco (1 replies)
  4. Possible Trouble? (15 replies)
  5. breeding ram question (3 replies)
  6. Online store help (3 replies)
  7. Looking for quality GBRs... (12 replies)
  8. Another tetra question.. (12 replies)
  9. Question about cory catfish? (9 replies)
  10. Black Ghost Knife?? (10 replies)
  11. Flower shrimp and gold nugget pleco (10 replies)
  12. Botias (9 replies)
  13. Nerite snails (22 replies)
  14. L200 Pleco (21 replies)
  15. How many Discus? (26 replies)
  16. ram eggs!! (3 replies)
  17. Advice on Stocking - 90 Gallon Planted (10 replies)
  18. Stocking In-Wall 180gal Show Tank (14 replies)
  19. clown pleco (dwarf) (7 replies)
  20. schooling fish with discus (15 replies)
  21. Eartheaters (15 replies)
  22. Assassin snails and algae (9 replies)
  23. Shrimp Cocktail? (11 replies)
  24. Has anyone heard of Albino Sterbai Corys? (6 replies)
  25. German Blue Rams Breeding Issue? (4 replies)
  26. Needlenose Gar's (7 replies)
  27. Ancistrus with discus (3 replies)
  28. Electric Bue Rams?? (35 replies)
  29. Question re: Sterbai (9 replies)
  30. Discus Fish and Parrot Cichlids (1 replies)
  31. African Peacock with Discus? (23 replies)
  32. Ideal Guests For Discus (10 replies)
  33. BNP question (6 replies)
  34. Tre Track eel (1 replies)
  35. Will Discus Kaa-Chinggg rummy nose? (15 replies)
  36. My Cardinal Tetras are getting picked off............... (7 replies)
  37. round white spot on BNP (1 replies)
  38. Ember tetras - red tetras in general?? (0 replies)
  39. Amano Shrimp? (15 replies)
  40. Clown Loaches... (26 replies)
  41. Ghost Knife - Time to let it go? (3 replies)
  42. Do you have a pleckoltia? (17 replies)
  43. question on BN plecos versus tank size (6 replies)
  44. what pleco if not BN's? (14 replies)
  45. Sad Story (2 replies)
  46. Serpae tetras (7 replies)
  47. quarantine ABN (17 replies)
  48. BN Plecos with Discus (10 replies)
  49. Sudden Death (4 replies)
  50. need acrylic safe aggressive algae eater (12 replies)
  51. Newbie question: Will cardinal tetras and neon green tetras.... (5 replies)
  52. Festivums, 101 years in the hobby (5 replies)
  53. What Scavenger/Clean-Up Crew should I Get in a BB Discus grow out tank? (5 replies)
  54. Discus and Clowns in a same tank (no not the loach) (7 replies)
  55. anyone try Black Ruby barbs with discus (6 replies)
  56. Vegetable preparations? (15 replies)
  57. Uaru's (3 replies)
  58. bushynoses and preventive medication (1 replies)
  59. Discus vs. Tetras (?) (14 replies)
  60. Zebra Danio As Discus Tankmates? (12 replies)
  61. Are my discus growing as fast as they should? (18 replies)
  62. need baby-killer tankmate... (7 replies)
  63. Rummy Nose Experiences? (5 replies)
  64. Festivum cichlid. (22 replies)
  65. Do discus eat rummy nose? What's a safe schooler? (20 replies)
  66. Harlequins or Rummy Nose (5 replies)
  67. Corydoras (15 replies)
  68. Fat Sterbais (14 replies)
  69. Rainbow Blood Parrots with Discus? (10 replies)
  70. cories (6 replies)
  71. Avoidable Tank-Mates. (9 replies)
  72. Are Turtles good tankmates for Discus? (38 replies)
  73. german blue rams always die after 2 days!!!! (26 replies)
  74. Wild Discus and Male Endlers (0 replies)
  75. Discus eating rasboras? (8 replies)
  76. Catfish (9 replies)
  77. Snail Control???? (13 replies)
  78. RCS are yummy (24 replies)
  79. How many BN Pleco in 90g ? (7 replies)
  80. Discus after angelfish (21 replies)
  81. Adding a discus to my tank.....is it possible? (6 replies)
  82. Harlequin Rasbora's? (3 replies)
  83. Assimilating Discus Tankmates. (1 replies)
  84. severum (7 replies)
  85. Kribensis and Discus? (5 replies)
  86. Looking for suggestions (0 replies)
  87. 1 or 2 types of schooling fish for new tank (13 replies)
  88. y. sidthimunki (3 replies)
  89. tankmate deaths? (12 replies)
  90. Chinese Butterfly loach and Discus? (5 replies)
  91. Ziar Blue Frontosas and Discus (24 replies)
  92. Fire Eels and Discus (20 replies)
  93. question on albino corydoras (13 replies)
  94. received some longfin rams today (25 replies)
  95. FWIW...... (1 replies)
  96. Microrasbora Kubotai (9 replies)
  97. GBR are goners! (4 replies)
  98. Silly question...perhaps...? (11 replies)
  99. Calming Fish (31 replies)
  100. Rummynose? (4 replies)
  101. Emperor Tetras? (8 replies)
  102. Shrimp and Discus? (11 replies)
  103. Favorite Schooling Fish (46 replies)
  104. What else? (7 replies)
  105. Cherry Red Shrimp (11 replies)
  106. Anyone keep these monsters with discus? (54 replies)
  107. celestial pearl danios (10 replies)
  108. Rams spawned again, how can I get the eggs out? (15 replies)
  109. feeding BN...???'s (5 replies)
  110. Pleco (15 replies)
  111. Brislenose and heatstroke? (2 replies)
  112. Water Parameters (4 replies)
  113. Cories (8 replies)
  114. Siamese Fighting Fish (8 replies)
  115. keeping different rams? (20 replies)
  116. Butterfly plecos (5 replies)
  117. Dead SAE's (4 replies)
  118. horse face loach and stiphodon elegans (7 replies)
  119. How Active are L134s? (3 replies)
  120. Has anyone tried (3 replies)
  121. Neons with Discus? What is the consensus? (2 replies)
  122. Corys dieing off (3 replies)
  123. what's best tankmates for my discus? (19 replies)
  124. Discus Buddies (6 replies)
  125. Anyone keeping Hypoptopoma spp.? (1 replies)
  126. Biotope tankmates ... looking for a list (7 replies)
  127. Blue Rams are Breeding in the tank (2 replies)
  128. Corydoras Virginiae (15 replies)
  129. Mollys and Discus (12 replies)
  130. my rams laid eggs (5 replies)
  131. American Flag Fish and Discus (13 replies)
  132. Red Cherry Shrimp and Snails (8 replies)
  133. Freshwater Shrimp (Crystal Red or Cherry) (2 replies)
  134. My angelfish is crazy. (16 replies)
  135. Which Plecos are best (16 replies)
  136. Can i put a baby black arowana in my discus comm tank? (3 replies)
  137. Geos with Discus? (10 replies)
  138. My bamboo/wood shrimp (1 replies)
  139. long fins vs short fin plecos (4 replies)
  141. Killer Blue Ram (7 replies)
  142. Discus w/ Severums (15 replies)
  143. Freshwater Shrimp (4 replies)
  144. Multipunctatus Catfish and Clown Loaches? (3 replies)
  145. ottos (2 replies)
  146. BNP & driftwood (12 replies)
  147. Tetras (35 replies)
  148. bristle nose (6 replies)
  149. Angels & Discus (25 replies)
  150. Cory's for a Discus tank (13 replies)
  151. Wild Discus - Do they need Wild Tank Mates only (3 replies)
  152. Do Discus really eat Neon Tetra's? (34 replies)
  153. Bristlenose plecos? (15 replies)
  154. Tankmates I have luck with (15 replies)
  155. introducing ABNs to my discus tank...again (1 replies)
  156. Anyone try these tetras in a discus tank? (2 replies)
  157. Rays and Discus (9 replies)
  158. minimum # of angels (14 replies)
  159. How many? (6 replies)
  160. check out these altums (1 replies)
  161. Bloodfin tetra? (11 replies)
  162. Has anyone ever SEEN a pregnant SAE???? (10 replies)
  163. German Ram help!!! (2 replies)
  164. Odd Angelfish Question (3 replies)
  165. Harlequins (5 replies)
  166. Black widow tetras? (3 replies)
  167. tankmate for planted tank with discus (10 replies)
  168. Jurupari or Altums? (0 replies)
  169. Genetic Angelfish Question. (8 replies)
  170. Black Neon Tetras (4 replies)
  171. schooling fish & discus? (17 replies)
  172. What Are The Best Algae Eaters for Discus (50 replies)
  173. arowana and discus (10 replies)
  174. Ghost shrimp (8 replies)
  175. dwarf neon rainbow (4 replies)
  176. Tankmates for 65 gallon (6 replies)
  177. Hows this sound?? (8 replies)
  178. Barb (4 replies)
  179. Angel Pairs & Discus questuion from newbie (4 replies)
  180. Barb (0 replies)
  181. neon cory cat (5 replies)
  182. Shrimps and discus ??? (1 replies)
  183. help me pick BN or Goldie (4 replies)
  184. Discus Wanna-be (3 replies)
  185. Ctenopoma acutirostre? (3 replies)
  186. Breeding sterbai cories (2 replies)
  187. Altum Juveniles (3 replies)
  188. Elephant Nose with Discus (12 replies)
  189. Trying BN's for the 1st time (5 replies)
  190. Snails? (2 replies)
  191. Help please - Problems with Tankmates (15 replies)
  192. banjo cat (4 replies)
  193. Otocinclus (8 replies)
  194. altums and discus? (8 replies)
  195. Tankmates (2 replies)
  196. PEACOCK EEL (0 replies)
  197. Orange striped catfish, adolfio (3 replies)
  198. adding Cardinal Tetras... (3 replies)
  199. good mix? (10 replies)
  200. CAN I? (13 replies)
  201. archer fish with.... (14 replies)
  202. Bristlenose death? (6 replies)
  203. My Rams had babies... (2 replies)
  204. giant danio with discus (2 replies)
  205. Polka Dot Loaches with Discus (2 replies)
  206. Best looking Cory's?? (25 replies)
  207. Bristle-nose size??? (20 replies)
  208. Bottom Dweller Shuffle (2 replies)
  209. Cardinals and Rummys, but What else? (20 replies)
  210. flounders & hogchokers (8 replies)
  211. Community Conversion (5 replies)
  212. Yo Yo Botia's & Discus? (8 replies)
  213. Anyone have success in BB tank with Tetras? (16 replies)
  214. are my fish ok with my discus? (5 replies)
  215. 1-foot "sucker fish" (1 replies)
  216. Discus Tank mates (21 replies)
  217. lemon tetra? (2 replies)
  218. Snail Eaters (10 replies)
  219. Geophagus surinamensis (6 replies)
  220. eartheaters (8 replies)
  221. Cards in Growout Tank? (9 replies)
  222. Dwarf Gourami Vs Discus (1 replies)
  223. Where to QT new tank mates for my discus (4 replies)
  224. Puffers in a planted discus tank? (9 replies)
  225. Tankmates that will clean up Driftwood (9 replies)
  226. Adding young discus to adults? (6 replies)
  227. RUBY SHARK (0 replies)
  228. Can I add a discus to my tank? (4 replies)
  229. L046 Zebra Pleco... (1 replies)
  230. Top feeding tankmates? (5 replies)
  231. Glowlight Tetras-discus tankmates? (0 replies)
  232. Amano Shrimp in a discus tank (9 replies)
  233. red minor serpae tetras (1 replies)
  234. Davidsandsi Corys ?? (6 replies)
  235. Red Pencil Fish (3 replies)
  236. Zebra Plecos (22 replies)
  237. can I keep wild and CB discus togethor? (9 replies)
  238. Chinese algae eaters (10 replies)
  239. Uaru A. care and husbandry. (2 replies)
  240. Malaysian trumpet snails - pros/cons and control (9 replies)
  241. Apistos in a discus tank? (12 replies)
  242. Red Rainbow and Discus? (4 replies)
  243. CLOWN LOACH TANK MATES (7 replies)
  244. Cories? (7 replies)
  245. How many rummynose and maybe ghost shrimp with my discus (10 replies)
  246. loaches (2 replies)
  247. Pristella Tetras and Discus (3 replies)
  248. What Are They.....Plecos? (14 replies)
  249. Biotodoma cupido and Discus (3 replies)
  250. RAMpage! (5 replies)