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  1. unhealthy looking fish not sure what to do (13 replies)
  2. very shy all of a sudden (3 replies)
  3. Hex-Out (1 replies)
  4. Can using PP cause fish to shed stomach lining? (14 replies)
  5. Small colbalt in a daze (6 replies)
  6. capillaria (13 replies)
  7. prazi in planted tanks (2 replies)
  8. sick discus (4 replies)
  9. Would this kill the fish??? (3 replies)
  10. Metronidazole (17 replies)
  11. My WB before & After his trip (40 replies)
  12. Where to get Clove Oil? (1 replies)
  13. Diagnosis and Treatment Please (8 replies)
  14. prazipro (5 replies)
  15. Help asap (24 replies)
  16. parasites and cycling question... (9 replies)
  17. S.O.S HELP!!! (15 replies)
  18. 911 - EMERGENCY, HELP PLEASE!!!!!! (72 replies)
  19. Does Metro kill plecos (3 replies)
  20. funny looking scales on my fish (0 replies)
  21. pics of sick fish (0 replies)
  22. medicating/identify,sickness/pic (0 replies)
  23. no filter/air overnight (6 replies)
  24. hole in the head again (23 replies)
  25. cloud eye help (4 replies)
  26. cramped fins (4 replies)
  27. Cloudy Tail (5 replies)
  28. dimples on sides of fish (4 replies)
  29. Metro & Prazi together? (3 replies)
  30. White spots on tail (94 replies)
  31. need some help please (4 replies)
  32. Sick Discus - Getting Conserned (3 replies)
  33. Scalare angel with possible swim bladder problem (7 replies)
  34. Parasite treatment - how long? (4 replies)
  35. hole in the head??? (11 replies)
  36. Where Can I Get Kanacyn (3 replies)
  37. Reaction to Prazi (20 replies)
  38. Emergency!!! Discus and C02!!! (21 replies)
  39. Bloat!? I Dont Know What It Is! HELP. (4 replies)
  40. Prazi-Pro overdose? (8 replies)
  41. Potassium Permanganate (52 replies)
  42. Brown eye? (21 replies)
  43. Medicine Cabinet Essentials (54 replies)
  44. Weird white stuff on the discus bottom (16 replies)
  45. BIG Pink Pimple? (53 replies)
  46. Meds and alternatives that are available in and to Canada (5 replies)
  47. Injured Discus (10 replies)
  48. Fin and tail rot, please help! (7 replies)
  49. Microscope and reference book suggestions. (7 replies)
  50. Do crickets carry disease/pathogens? (3 replies)
  51. Please help with diagnosis and treatment (9 replies)
  52. Half black (2 replies)
  53. Thin (16 replies)
  54. diseases tranferred to people (20 replies)
  55. my discus got sick (52 replies)
  56. Worms? (1 replies)
  57. Metro in food for hex (13 replies)
  58. Second fish stoped eating (14 replies)
  59. my discus is sick (4 replies)
  60. Panacur/levamisole/piperazine? (4 replies)
  61. Rams Look Discolored........ (34 replies)
  62. fish floating after a black out (2 replies)
  63. White Worms ? (8 replies)
  64. New disease effected Heckels (6 replies)
  65. longterm disease problem (12 replies)
  66. Conversion of Smaller Measures (1 replies)
  67. how to mix metro with colorbits? (1 replies)
  68. Can discus recover from hex (5 replies)
  69. Concerned....Help!!! Please...Newbie:-) (7 replies)
  70. Bloat, Epsom Salt (1 replies)
  71. Frys laying sideway (3 replies)
  72. Epsom Salt for Popeye to Reduce Swelling? (5 replies)
  73. Trouble with two new guys (97 replies)
  74. What IS This?? (62 replies)
  75. Help... Injury and Popeye (21 replies)
  76. Treat two discus with metro and now one more is sick (3 replies)
  77. Sick discus (16 replies)
  78. Flukes? (5 replies)
  79. why not growing? (10 replies)
  80. Stringy tube like feces (10 replies)
  81. BIG Cory Problem (26 replies)
  82. white herpes looking spots on side of fish (19 replies)
  83. Stopped Eating (16 replies)
  84. Sould I worry about this? (6 replies)
  85. Antibiotics in both food and water? (6 replies)
  86. Why Is He Doing This? (also is this HITH) (28 replies)
  87. Hope for head standers??? (2 replies)
  88. please help with metronidazole treatment (11 replies)
  89. Discus Gasping for air (6 replies)
  90. White poo, should I treat it with Metro? (2 replies)
  91. Force feeding a starving discus? (9 replies)
  92. white spot on my discus? (17 replies)
  93. Hex, can I see it ? (3 replies)
  94. White area and deteriation on gill cover (8 replies)
  95. Is aquarium salt bad for discus? (9 replies)
  96. Hazy patch on the side??? (13 replies)
  97. Black water extract (2 replies)
  98. Could you survive 27 days w/o eating? (15 replies)
  99. A question about sick cardinals (14 replies)
  100. Please Help (5 replies)
  101. PLEASE HELP... (0 replies)
  102. This can't be normal!!!!!!!! (7 replies)
  103. DISCUS BEHAVIOR (2 replies)
  104. SALT (3 replies)
  105. Please tell me wat this is and wat 2 do (7 replies)
  106. Sick/white feces (21 replies)
  107. why discus get black (19 replies)
  108. help I.D. This (1 replies)
  109. Use of formalin and Cooper Safe at same time (5 replies)
  110. discus Acting strange (21 replies)
  111. multivitamins (1 replies)
  112. white poo help (1 replies)
  113. new Discus (4 replies)
  114. Sick Fish (27 replies)
  115. QT for new juvies (9 replies)
  116. Prazi, Levamisole and Discus Fry (3 replies)
  117. What would you do for scratching and darting? (16 replies)
  118. black fish (3 replies)
  119. Gills, Eating and QT (4 replies)
  120. discus whith fungus what can i do? (5 replies)
  121. Should I get them??? (9 replies)
  122. discus (8 replies)
  123. Force feeding discus? (6 replies)
  124. fish got beaten up over night (3 replies)
  125. 96 degrees with metronidazole? (15 replies)
  126. Dosing with Epsom Salt (2 replies)
  127. Should I redoze with tapeworm issue? (3 replies)
  128. Pale fish and a spas attack! Whats going on? (8 replies)
  129. my discus just spat out somethign weird (4 replies)
  130. Bag Buddies (10 replies)
  132. What is this and can it spread (20 replies)
  133. San Merah Photos (17 replies)
  134. fry dying off (19 replies)
  135. what is this disease? (1 replies)
  136. Discus Shedding Please Help!! (12 replies)
  137. bubbles in eye (4 replies)
  138. Need Help ID-ing ugly worm (3 replies)
  139. Epsom Salt Usage and Non-Discus Fish (4 replies)
  140. salt for stress reduction (4 replies)
  141. unknown parasite (0 replies)
  142. unknown parasite (0 replies)
  143. Something you might be able to help me with (1 replies)
  144. Nitrofurazone for internal bacterial (1 replies)
  145. maracyn 2 with maracyn (2 replies)
  146. URGENT!!! NEED HELP FAST!!! (2 replies)
  147. kanamycin (0 replies)
  148. really weird... (2 replies)
  149. Medicament Jungle (4 replies)
  150. Possible flukes? (12 replies)
  151. Jungle Lifeguard and flukes (0 replies)
  152. 1-chloro-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-4-imidazildinone (3 replies)
  153. GILL FLUKES?? Help..... (9 replies)
  154. Protozoan blooms (3 replies)
  155. here we go again (7 replies)
  156. Fin Issues (ARGH!!!) (14 replies)
  157. bacterial infection - bloated belly and white pus (37 replies)
  158. Niped Fins?? (3 replies)
  159. Metro on juvis (3 replies)
  160. Sick discus, not sure what to do (9 replies)
  161. Fish wont eat (3 replies)
  162. Labored breathing.... what to do? (8 replies)
  163. Bump on discus's belly (6 replies)
  164. help plz weird patches on fishes (10 replies)
  165. just wondering...face/stomach question (7 replies)
  166. Just add Salt? (8 replies)
  167. fish randomly dying (13 replies)
  168. Please help trying to save my discus (11 replies)
  169. Medicine cabinet (11 replies)
  170. Possible Bloat (Angelfish) (11 replies)
  171. Panacur : Is this the Correct One? (2 replies)
  172. Other fish sick in other tank, should I treat my Discus? (12 replies)
  173. similar disease (18 replies)
  174. Gill disease (3 replies)
  175. Will this heal? (13 replies)
  176. How to add Metro to FBW? (5 replies)
  177. Emergency Discus Dying!! Help Required (23 replies)
  178. White feces, spitting food out (7 replies)
  179. Melafix and Tea Tree Oil (5 replies)
  180. sick discus (43 replies)
  181. Please help, is this HITH? (3 replies)
  182. Cloudy Eye (1 replies)
  183. I lost one of my LSS (13 replies)
  184. Disposing of ostracods? (8 replies)
  185. stop eating & white poo (22 replies)
  186. Back Again....SOS ~ (30 replies)
  187. GelTek Gel Meds for internal parasites really works! (36 replies)
  188. Prazipro & Epsom salts? (4 replies)
  189. bloated for 5 days now! what to do next? (12 replies)
  190. Something came out of his gill (0 replies)
  191. viral infection why not? (0 replies)
  192. Help! Breeding pair sick. (20 replies)
  193. Red Growth or Just Enlarged Anus (14 replies)
  194. Help ID this problem please! (13 replies)
  195. got skinny (7 replies)
  196. Followup on white blotches (2 replies)
  197. White Blotches on Discus (23 replies)
  198. Suface bugs (8 replies)
  199. White Blotches (6 replies)
  200. Red Nostrils (9 replies)
  201. Pipperazine citrate (8 replies)
  202. Effectiveness of PraziPro (14 replies)
  203. BD not gaining color back (4 replies)
  204. One Dead and fearing for others - Urgent (10 replies)
  205. What should I do (4 replies)
  206. Did he eat a Gerbil??? Help! (5 replies)
  207. Whadda ya think? Treat w/salt? (17 replies)
  208. possible non-epsom salt relief (1 replies)
  209. Cryptobia iubilans (14 replies)
  210. need lots of help please Urgent-pics attached (11 replies)
  211. Thin Blue Diamond - any insight? (6 replies)
  212. Swelling of mouth (4 replies)
  213. completely frustrated (2 replies)
  214. My Discus is ILL. PLEASE HELP!!! (14 replies)
  215. Any negative effects of Epsom salt on Tetras, etc. (2 replies)
  216. Urgent HELP PLEASE!!! (13 replies)
  217. PL. HELP (9 replies)
  218. Uh Oh (13 replies)
  219. HELP!!!! (5 replies)
  220. sad but not defeated (13 replies)
  221. Thank you Kindredspirit & Amber (2 replies)
  222. grey covering on fish?? (18 replies)
  223. White stuff coming out left nostral !!! (103 replies)
  224. mystery illness? (5 replies)
  225. Bloating Question (19 replies)
  226. unknown illness (5 replies)
  227. one gill close?? (5 replies)
  228. Darkness on tips of fins (8 replies)
  229. discus with cloudy eye (1 replies)
  230. RID ICH ON FLUKES (3 replies)
  231. New strain of Ich. (4 replies)
  232. Please help!! Eye problem! (7 replies)
  233. my discus cut himself up badly (11 replies)
  234. I might have "Marie's" Problem in my QT!!! (40 replies)
  235. HELP - Discus Swim bladder? (5 replies)
  236. Forgot my filter turned of - Fishes in stress (7 replies)
  237. Tumor? (29 replies)
  238. My Fish Really Needs Help! (12 replies)
  239. Antibiotics with BN pleco's in the tank (5 replies)
  240. A Problem? (5 replies)
  241. Moving circle worm on driftwood, is this planaria? (6 replies)
  242. 10g tank for treatment (3 replies)
  243. black specks? White zit? (16 replies)
  244. Advice needed - white poo and not eating (18 replies)
  245. Please diagnose and advise treatment (pics) (13 replies)
  246. Little white worms (3 replies)
  247. White stringy poo, then white thick poo, what to do??? (69 replies)
  248. I NEED HELP FAST! (6 replies)
  249. Do I have worms? Pics attached. (4 replies)
  250. Lice or Fluke (4 replies)