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  1. Moving food grade barrels for water (37 replies)
  2. From Free Discus (21 replies)
  3. Discus growth at different temp experiment (18 replies)
  4. Does the air pump flow rate affect the sponge filter? (10 replies)
  5. Discus/duck Its starting ti look like a new strain that just might make it! (13 replies)
  6. Dirty suction (1 replies)
  7. Pleco caves (1 replies)
  8. Lighting a discus tank (14 replies)
  9. Stunted discus growth (39 replies)
  10. Survivor! (1 replies)
  11. Most stunted discus i've ever seen (6 replies)
  12. Saying Hi ( & An Inquiry ) (4 replies)
  13. Juvies - Leaving for a week (6 replies)
  14. De-worming (9 replies)
  15. Water change question (5 replies)
  16. This does not sound right to me. (10 replies)
  17. Would like your opinion on my fishs please (3 replies)
  18. I stopped following advice. Discus now survive. What? (6 replies)
  19. Missing pattern (26 replies)
  20. Changing to bare bottom tank (10 replies)
  21. Adapting to Flakes/Beefheart Mix (15 replies)
  22. How to sex discus? (3 replies)
  23. Ati pro stack sponge filters? (1 replies)
  24. Aquarium Background (9 replies)
  25. UV Sterilizers (11 replies)
  26. Which do you prefer? Granule or Flake (17 replies)
  27. Worm problem, please help (6 replies)
  28. New Discus -Compatibility Problem and Failure to Thrive (4 replies)
  29. Has everyone seen the discus in a pond video? (25 replies)
  30. Babies Turning dark not eating (20 replies)
  31. High temp. discus tolerance (15 replies)
  32. Nitrogen cycle won't start (30 replies)
  33. liveaquaria.com for discus? Yay or nay? (30 replies)
  34. Question about discus pairing up (4 replies)
  35. Filtration Question in Discus setup (7 replies)
  36. Driftwood in a discus breeding setup (7 replies)
  37. What type of Leopard are this? (3 replies)
  38. Photoperiod (31 replies)
  39. How fast can I change my water without stressing the discus? (14 replies)
  40. Pre filter question (9 replies)
  41. Hard plastic/Plexiglas/Glass top for my tank (19 replies)
  42. Juvenile Discus Grow out Progress Report with Pictures (3 replies)
  43. New Discus, Need help - Not eating (25 replies)
  44. Question about new fish (1 replies)
  45. Does QT needed in this case? (3 replies)
  46. To age water or not age water? .5 pH change (11 replies)
  47. Tank Upgrade! (3 replies)
  48. wiping down tank (17 replies)
  49. Need some direction please (33 replies)
  50. Does a discus gets more coloured if they are correctly maintained? (7 replies)
  51. Is this a concern? (5 replies)
  52. The Rose Red Adoption (1 replies)
  53. Discus issue (4 replies)
  54. What to do with stunted not colorful discus ? (4 replies)
  55. Peppering (5 replies)
  56. Identify this Discus please (20 replies)
  57. Aquascaping Visionary Takahai Amano (2 replies)
  58. Post mortem analysis, What happend? (30 replies)
  59. Suggestions For Combining fish from Quarentine AND hopes to create some harmony (12 replies)
  60. Long Video Update, It's Been A While (24 replies)
  61. Advice for how to continue. (7 replies)
  62. No breeding behavior? (3 replies)
  63. Best size heater (26 replies)
  64. A unexpected problem (3 replies)
  65. Please HELP! Breeding pair fighting. (3 replies)
  66. Have Discus always been so spastic? (25 replies)
  67. 120g stocking (69 replies)
  68. Safe (6 replies)
  69. Anyone Use Indian Almond Leaf? (7 replies)
  70. Check this out (66 replies)
  71. Sump - sponge filter (8 replies)
  72. A Little Advice (2 replies)
  73. Advice needed... PH going up... (19 replies)
  74. Fish tourism in Europe (4 replies)
  75. Want some advice for keeping discus (45 replies)
  76. Need some help with my discus, things just arent going well (95 replies)
  77. Discus fry problem :-( (15 replies)
  78. Discus super black after eating (2 replies)
  79. levamisole phosphate (11 replies)
  80. Free Discus (34 replies)
  81. Fry eating brine shrimp eggs (2 replies)
  82. New discus don't eat (23 replies)
  83. Spounge filter during metro (7 replies)
  84. Painted bare bottom tank this weekend! (26 replies)
  85. Discus taking forever to poo? (14 replies)
  86. Long fin Discus (32 replies)
  87. I discus dark pigments (1 replies)
  88. Discus spawned (10 replies)
  89. Filter questions... (31 replies)
  90. Supplement to beef heart for Juveniles (13 replies)
  91. Cleaning pre-filter (9 replies)
  92. Gravel and Background for Discus (3 replies)
  93. wild discus problems (9 replies)
  94. Intestinal lining vs white poo (3 replies)
  95. Water changes (17 replies)
  96. I fed hormones to my fish. Outcome is amazing. (48 replies)
  97. Clear coating decor (11 replies)
  98. Do These Symptoms Sound Familiar? (13 replies)
  99. It's Been a Pretty Good Week So Far (2 replies)
  100. Checkerboard Pigeon vs. Dragon Discus (2 replies)
  101. Is this pairing up behavior? (35 replies)
  102. Crack in aquarium need advice! (29 replies)
  103. Do frozen Blood Worms come back to life? (9 replies)
  104. What size fish for 55 gallon want 2 or 3 adults (9 replies)
  105. Successfully raising Discus in a planted tank(Journal) (24 replies)
  106. How do our Discus look so far? (35 replies)
  107. Odd, odd post from me..... (15 replies)
  108. Possible Good Deal (10 replies)
  109. LFS: A Horror Story (20 replies)
  110. He knows how Rudolf felt! (22 replies)
  111. Looking for credible mail order Discus dealer (6 replies)
  112. Still adjusting? (2 replies)
  113. How to Trim Beef Heart in Sixty Seconds.. (8 replies)
  114. The Red Turquoise Fry: the Latest (3 replies)
  115. Discus colors on black substrate (10 replies)
  116. Looking For Wilds in the NYC Area (includes NJ) (2 replies)
  117. color name (5 replies)
  118. breeding discus (1 replies)
  119. Fighting > Food (9 replies)
  120. New 180gl project - advice needed (14 replies)
  121. Female trouble (3 replies)
  122. Lights... Camera... LIGHTS!!? (72 replies)
  123. Long Vacation Question (2 replies)
  124. My treatment of constipated discus (40 replies)
  125. From My Mouth To Your Ears!! - Crazy/Fun/Wild Stories... (8 replies)
  126. Keeping juveniles with larger Discus (50 replies)
  127. Vacation Advice (11 replies)
  128. Discus with neons... (4 replies)
  129. The Red Turquoise: Passing the Fry (12 replies)
  130. is this from one of you? nice start at least (0 replies)
  131. need help identifying spots on discus (3 replies)
  132. pH Monitor Discrepancy (8 replies)
  133. Dosing for Levamisol? (8 replies)
  134. Discus or duck? (7 replies)
  135. Discus bit me, surprised! Piranha Discus (1 replies)
  136. Hole in head? (11 replies)
  137. Cod Liver Oil (5 replies)
  138. Home water softener (7 replies)
  139. How many grams is 1 teaspoon of metro ? (26 replies)
  140. Why are the fry back on the cone? (6 replies)
  141. Copepods (2 replies)
  142. Dream Discus Pond (22 replies)
  143. Pro More (2 replies)
  144. An Effective, Reliable Beef Heart Recipe? (16 replies)
  145. Neccessity is the Mother of Invention (6 replies)
  146. Whats your favorite blue and red bassed discus? (8 replies)
  147. Stendker LSS X Tony Tan Full Face Spotted Super Eruption? (14 replies)
  148. Eheims vorfilter pre-filter anyone??? (7 replies)
  149. Bare Bottom or White Sand for new tank (10 replies)
  150. How many fish, what size, 60 gallon cube (7 replies)
  151. Brine Shrimp Direct discount code. (2 replies)
  152. recommending hydro sponge filter? (18 replies)
  153. Discus World Cup (9 replies)
  154. My discus (8 replies)
  155. wilds options (0 replies)
  156. discus display at Mystic, CT aquarium (4 replies)
  157. why are discus in particular so touchy about water conditions? (9 replies)
  158. Blood Worms and Constipation (13 replies)
  159. Group Cohesion (5 replies)
  160. Looking for guidance please (14 replies)
  161. Removing live plants (4 replies)
  162. Total Chaos (15 replies)
  163. my 3-4" discus pics (7 replies)
  164. Heaters (2 replies)
  165. got my first established pair of discus (18 replies)
  166. Jager 150 watt heater (10 replies)
  167. Cardinal Tetras (10 replies)
  168. Red Ferrari discus, vietnamese pigeon bloods (5 replies)
  169. Has Anyone Seen This? (8 replies)
  170. What sponge with what air filter (3 replies)
  171. My new pair from Kenny (9 replies)
  172. Super long poo??? (10 replies)
  173. Announcement. Gulf Coast Discus (2 replies)
  174. Microworms for discus fry (1 replies)
  175. Barebottom tank pics (14 replies)
  176. Fat Discus (5 replies)
  177. Discus on dark substrate (4 replies)
  178. ummm...even at 65% off....pass (11 replies)
  179. Discus Gasping for Air (3 replies)
  180. found this on Amazon . com seems strange to me (18 replies)
  181. Is this a tape worm?? (31 replies)
  182. How to paint my background? (4 replies)
  183. Kenny's Sept shipment (3 replies)
  184. Meet our Month Old Penang Eruption Fry (0 replies)
  185. Ro water remineralization question (4 replies)
  186. discus tragedy, what to do? (9 replies)
  187. Getting ready to order my first shipment from discus hans (3 replies)
  188. What kind of driftwood is the best looking? (4 replies)
  189. Help clamp fins (3 replies)
  190. Mosquito Larvae (1 replies)
  191. Bare bottom vs sand (14 replies)
  192. Is a corner tank a bad idea for discus? (6 replies)
  193. Name That Strain (2 replies)
  194. how can I know for sure my discus are healthy? (1 replies)
  195. Advise on water changes (5 replies)
  196. Tree branch (11 replies)
  197. What do you think of peppered pb's? (20 replies)
  198. bacterial infection (1 replies)
  199. Discus has large body anchor worms! (10 replies)
  200. What do you clean the outside of your tank with? (16 replies)
  201. Strain help (2 replies)
  202. My Discus Journey (3 replies)
  203. Discus Fights = fish not eating (9 replies)
  204. where is the "breed standard" thread? (17 replies)
  205. Memphis TN/Mid South (2 replies)
  206. Drilling Tanks (7 replies)
  207. Driftwood Issues... Include During Growout Phase? (20 replies)
  208. plop and drop? (29 replies)
  209. Is There Something Wrong with My Baby Penang?? (1 replies)
  210. Please help me to identify the gender... (16 replies)
  211. 60 Gallon Cube (14 replies)
  212. My new present. (8 replies)
  213. i think some of my Discus want to be stunted (8 replies)
  214. help (1 replies)
  215. Mesh Hardware Cloth (0 replies)
  216. Discus as pets. (5 replies)
  217. Discus Maturity: Age versus Size (3 replies)
  218. General questions about PP treatment (1 replies)
  219. 46LS and 46LSxGreen Alenquer (17 replies)
  220. One Color in a Tank (11 replies)
  221. 56 gallon (2 replies)
  222. Please help - 2 out of 5 discus fish are suddenly not doing well (5 replies)
  223. Discus strains that grow slower (7 replies)
  224. 70 to 80 % water changes (12 replies)
  225. Are the pond snails in my tank going to eat my Discus eggs? (14 replies)
  226. Growth Rates (9 replies)
  227. I want to thank Pat! (3 replies)
  228. forbidden discus love (4 replies)
  229. Tank-bred Wild Strains? (8 replies)
  230. When I'm Feeling Blue (22 replies)
  231. Help please (36 replies)
  232. Would you? Serious question here. (30 replies)
  233. The Happy Dietician!! (8 replies)
  234. Question (5 replies)
  235. Really sick discus (15 replies)
  236. Red Ica or Brown Heckel (34 replies)
  237. I need proof (23 replies)
  238. Discus lifespan? (14 replies)
  239. My last question about Driftwood (2 replies)
  240. My Five Albino Platinums (21 replies)
  241. difference in feces?? (1 replies)
  242. LFS change water 1 time a week???? 0.o (7 replies)
  243. How many breeding pairs in a tank? (17 replies)
  244. Blue Royals from Carolina Discus (5 replies)
  245. Hi, Everyone! Been away for a (long) while! (6 replies)
  246. Gave up on plants. (6 replies)
  247. Pics of discus - are they stunted ? (18 replies)
  248. Background color of tank (5 replies)
  249. It's been a while!! (0 replies)
  250. Glass versus Acrylic (22 replies)